FIRE, INJURY OR DEATH HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in fire, personalinjury, or death.Do not install furnace on its back. (See Fig. 12.) Safetycontrol operation will be adversely affected. Never connectreturn-air ducts to back of furnace.UNIT DAMAGE HAZARDThis gas furnace may be used for construction heat providedthat:-The furnace operating conditions, including ignition, inputrate, temperature rise and venting, are verified per instruc-tions in this manual-The furnace is permanently installed with all electricalwiring, piping, venting and ducting installed according tothese installation instructions. A return air duct is provided,sealed to the furnace casing, and terminated outside the spacecontaining the furnace. This prevents a negative pressurecondition as created by the circulating air blower, causing aflame rollout and/or drawing combustion products into thestructure.-The furnace is controlled by a thermostat. It may not be ″hotwired″ to provide heat continuously to the structure withoutthermostatic control.-Clean outside air is provided for combustion. This is tominimize the corrosive effects of adhesives, sealers and otherconstruction materials. It also prevents the entrainment ofdrywall dust into combustion air, which can cause fouling andplugging of furnace components.-The temperature of the return air to the furnace is no lessthan 55°F, with no evening setback or shutdown. The use ofthe furnace while the structure is under construction isdeemed to be intermittent operation per our installationinstructions.-The air temperature rise is within the rated rise range on thefurnace rating plate, and the firing rate has been set to thenameplate value.-The filters used to clean the circulating air during theconstruction process must be either changed or thoroughlycleaned prior to occupancy.-The furnace, ductwork and filters are cleaned as necessary toremove drywall dust and construction debris from all HVACsystem components after construction is completed.The furnace and its return air system shall be designed andinstalled so that negative pressure created by the air circulating fancannot affect another appliance’s combustion air supply or act tomix products of combustion with circulating air, and that the aircirculating fan of the furnace, if installed in an enclosure commu-nicating with another fuel-burning appliance not of the direct-venttype, shall be operable only when any door or panel covering anopening in the furnace fan compartment or in a return air plenumon ducts is in the closed position.UNIT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in minor property orunit damage.If these furnaces are installed in an unconditioned spacewhere ambient temperatures may be 32°F or lower, freezeprotection measures must be taken. (See Fig. 13.)Step 2—Low-Heat Only InstallationThis 58MVP furnace can be installed to operate in the low-heatonly heating mode when sized using the low-heat heating capacity.This is accomplished by placing setup switch SW1-2 in the ONposition to provide only low-heat operation. With this setup,high-heat operation will not occur. (See Fig. 25)Fig. 11—Proper Condensate DrainageA04171HORIZONTALMIN 1⁄4″TO1⁄2″ MAXFRONTFig. 12—Prohibit Installation on BackA93043FRONTBACKFRONTBACKFig. 13—Freeze ProtectionA9305832oF MINIMUM INSTALLEDAMBIENT OR FREEZEPROTECTION REQUIRED12