7■ TURN UNIT OFF/ON — Press the ON/OFF buttonon the remote control or control panel.NOTE: To switch from Celsius to Fahrenheit,press the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW buttons onthe control panel (not the remote control) at the sametime.■ COOLING MODES — The air conditioner can beset to three different cooling modes — Cooling, FanOnly, or Energy Saving. Press the MODE button tochange the mode.In Cooling mode, the air conditioner will run and pro-vide cooling. The amount of cooling can be adjustedwith the FAN SPEED button. If the fan speed is set toAuto mode, the fan speed adjusts automatically fromlow to high based on the setting of the thermostat andthe actual room temperature.In Fan Only mode, the fan operates to circulate the airin the room, but there is no cooling operation. Thismode is used to circulate the air in the room whencooling is not required. The amount of circulation canbe adjusted with the FAN SPEED button. Auto. can-not be selected in Fan Only mode.In Energy Saving mode, the air conditioner will auto-matically switch from Cooling to Fan Only mode whencooling is not required. Fan speed cannot be selected inEnergy Saving mode. When the room temperature is2 degrees higher than the thermostat setting, the airconditioner will run in Cooling mode. When the roomtemperature is lower than 66 F, the unit will turn off(no cooling or fan). At all other times, cooling will beoff and the fan will run on Low speed.■ FAN SPEED — The air conditioner Fan mode can beset to High, Medium, Low, or Auto. Press the FANSPEED button to change fan speed.High fan mode is recommended for very warm days orwhen a fast initial cooling of the room is desired.Medium fan mode is recommended on moderatelywarm days or when the unit has been operating forsome time and the temperature is about to reach itsdesired setting. Low fan mode is recommended onslightly warm days or after the room temperature hasreached its desired setting. Auto mode adjusts the fanspeed automatically from low to high based on the set-ting of the thermostat and the actual room tempera-ture. Auto mode can only be used in Cooling mode.■ THERMOSTAT — The temperature setting on thethermostat can be adjusted from a range of 66 to 88 F(19 to 31 C). The air conditioner will start and stopcooling operation in order to maintain the temperaturesetting of the thermostat.Press the Down Arrow button to lower the tempera-ture setting. Press the Up Arrow button to raise thetemperature setting.FFHRHRIndication symbols of LED on control panel:HIGH FAN SPEEDMEDIUM FANSPEEDLOW FAN SPEEDAUTO FAN SPEED COOLINGFAN ONLY DISPLAY SET TEMPDISPLAY SET TIMERTIMERABOVE LED LIGHTS ON WHEN THE RELEVANT MODE IS IN USED.ENERGY-SAVINGTIMER FANSPEEDMODE ON/OFFMODEFANSPEEDTIMERON/OFFCONTROL PANELREMOTE CONTROLLERFIGURE 11 — ELECTRONIC CONTROLS