13ABDCCBADDDABCCBARIGHT HAND UNIT LEFT HAND UNIT42BVE UNIT CORNER WEIGHTS (lb)CORNER WEIGHTNOTE: Unit weights (shown in pounds) ± 10%, are based on the 8-row water filled coils, double wall cabinetconstruction and 1 hp motor.UNIT42BVENo Electric Heat (lb) TOTALWEIGHTWith Electric Heat (lb) TOTALWEIGHTA B C D A B C D06 60 62 59 51 232 66 73 69 55 26308 61 63 59 51 234 66 74 70 55 26510 73 79 71 60 283 79 91 82 64 31612 74 80 72 61 287 80 92 83 65 32016 86 97 84 70 337 92 110 96 73 37120 105 123 101 83 412 110 138 114 86 44830 127 156 123 98 504 132 172 137 100 54140 152 193 146 115 606 156 211 161 116 644a42-4255TOTAL WEIGHT UNIT CORRECTION FACTOR (lb)NOTE: Corner weights are for 8-row water filled coils. For a different number of rows, total unit weight can bedetermined by the following procedure:1. Identify the number of rows, the size of the unit, and cabinet construction.2. Determine the total weight of the unit from the Corner Weight table above.3. From the table above, identify the correction factors and deduct this from the total weight.4. Motor, coil stub out, and control box are always located on same side of the unit.UNITS42BVE4 ROWS 5 ROWS 6 ROWS 7 ROWS SINGLE WALLCONSTRUCTIONCorrection Factors (lb)06 -21 -16 -11 -5 -3108 -21 -16 -11 -5 -3110 -28 -21 -14 -7 -4012 -28 -21 -14 -7 -4016 -39 -29 -20 -10 -4720 -46 -35 -23 -12 -5830 -74 -55 -37 -18 -6740 -98 -74 -49 -25 -82