7OPERATING CHECKS:IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE REFRIGERANTUSED:This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gas coveredby the Kyoto protocol.Standard unit:- Fluid type: R1234ze(E)- Global Warming Potential (GWP): 7 (source IPCCAssessment Report 4)Unit with option 330:- Fluid type: R515B- Global Warming Potential (GWP): 293 (source IPCCAssessment Report 4)These refrigerant are classified group 2 “non-dangerous”according to the critera of Pressure Equipment Directive(PED) both 97/23/CE and 2014/68/CE.CAUTION:- Any handling of refrigerant contained in this productmust comply with the F-Gas Directive N° 517/2014 andany other applicable local legislation.- Ensure that the refrigerant is never released to theatmosphere during installation, maintenance orequipment disposal.- The deliberate gas release into the atmosphere is strictlynot allowed.- If a refrigerant leak is detected, ensure that it is stoppedand repaired as quickly as possible.- Only a qualified and certified personnel can performinstallation operations, maintenance, refrigerant circuitleak test as well as the equipment disposal and therefrigerant recovering.- The gas recovery for recycling, regeneration ordestruction is at customer charge.- The customer has to carry out periodic leak testsIn the European Union, article 2 of regulation (EU) No. 517/2014makes these mandatory and sets their frequency. The table belowshows this frequency, as originally published in the regulation.Check whether an inspection frequency is also set by otherregulations or standards applicable to your system (e.g. EN 378,ISO5149, etc.).System WITHOUTleakage detection No check 12months 6 months 3 monthsSystem WITH leakagedetection No check 24months 12 months 6 monthsRefrigerant charge/circuit (CO2 equivalent) < 5 tons 5 ≤charge <50 tons50 ≤charge <500 tonsCharge >500 tons*Refrigerantcharge/ Circuit (kg)R32 (GWP 675) Charge <7,4 kg7,4 ≤charge <74,1 kg74,1 ≤charge <740,7 kgCharge >740,7 kgR134a (GWP1430) Charge <3,5 kg3,5 ≤charge <34,9 kg34,9 ≤charge <349,7 kgCharge >349,7 kgR407C (GWP1774)Charge <2,8 kg2,8 ≤charge <28,2 kg28,2 ≤charge <281,9 kgCharge >281,9 kgR410A (GWP2088)Charge <2,4 kg2,4 ≤charge <23,9 kg23,9 ≤charge <239,5 kgCharge >239,5 kgR515B (GWP 293) Charge <17,1 kg17,1 ≤charge <170,6 kg170,6 ≤charge <1706,5 kgCharge >1706,5 kgHFO's :R1234ze(E) No requirement(*) From 01/01/2017, customer installations must be equipped with a leakagedetection system- A logbook must be established for the systems thatrequire a tightness check. It should contain the quantityand the type of fluid present within the installation (addedand recovered), the quantity of recycled fluid/regenerated/destroyed, the date and output of the leak test, thedesignation of the operator and its belonging company,etc.- Contact your local dealer or installer if you have anyquestions.PROTECTION DEVICE CHECKS:- Periodic inspections of the safety devices and externaloverpressure devices (external relief valves) must becarried out in accordance with national regulations.The company or organisation that conducts a pressure switch testshall establish and implement a detailed procedure to fix:- Safety measures- Measuring equipment calibration- Validating operation of protective devices- Test protocols- Recommissioning of the equipment.An example of test procedure without removing the pressureswitch is given in Section 11.9 of this manual. Consult CarrierService for this type of test.CAUTION: If the test leads to replacing the pressure switch,it is necessary to recover the refrigerant charge, thesepressure switches are not installed on automatic valves(Schraeder type).At least once a year thoroughly inspect the protection devices(valves). If the machine operates in a corrosive environment, inspectthe protection devices more frequently.Regularly carry out leak tests and immediately repair any leaks(follow local codes)Ensure regularly that the vibration levels remain acceptable andclose to those at the initial unit start-up.Change the refrigerant when there are equipment failures, following aprocedure such as the one described in NF E29-795 or carry out arefrigerant analysis in a specialist laboratory.If the refrigerant circuit remains open for longer than a day afteran intervention (such as a component replacement), the openingsmust be plugged and the circuit must be charged with nitrogen(inertia principle). The objective is to prevent penetration ofatmospheric humidity and the resulting corrosion on the internalwalls and on non-protected steel surfaces.1.4 - Repair safety considerationsEquip the engineers that work on the unit with the protectionsdescribed in section 1.3 above.It is compulsory to wear personal protection equipment and adetector of explosive atmospheres.The insulation must be removed and warming up must be limitedby using a wet cloth.Before opening the unit, always ensure that the circuit has beenpurged.If work on the evaporator is required, ensure that the piping fromthe compressor is no longer pressurised (as the valve is notleaktight in the compressor direction.)1 - INTRODUCTION