8All installation parts must be maintained by the personnel incharge, in order to avoid material deterioration and injuries topeople. Faults and leaks must be repaired immediately. Theauthorized technician must have the responsibility to repair thefault immediately. Each time repairs have been carried out to theunit, the operation of the protection devices must be re-checked.Comply with the regulations and recommendations in unit and HVACinstallation safety standards, such as: EN-378, ISO-5149, etc.If a leak occurs or if the refrigerant becomes contaminated (e.g.by a short circuit in a motor) remove the complete charge usinga recovery unit and store the refrigerant in mobile containers.Repair the leak detected and recharge the circuit with the totalquantity of the original refrigerant (either R1234ze(E) or R515B),as indicated on the unit name plate. Certain parts of the circuitcan be isolated. Only charge liquid refrigerant at the liquid line.Ensure that you are using the correct refrigerant type beforerecharging the unit.Charging any refrigerant other than the original charge type statedon the nameplate will impair machine operation and can even leadto a destruction of the compressors. The compressors operatingwith this refrigerant type are lubricated with a specific syntheticpolyolester oil.Do not use oxygen to purge lines or to pressurize a machinefor any purpose. Pressurised air mixtures or gases containingoxygen can be the cause of an explosion. Oxygen reactsviolently with oil and grease. Nitrogen should be used topurge the system. It should also be used during brazing.Never exceed the specified maximum operating pressures.Verify the allowable maximum high- and low-side testpressures by checking the instructions in this manual andthe pressures given on the unit name plate.Do not use air for leak testing. Use only refrigerant or drynitrogen.Do not unweld or flamecut the refrigerant lines or anyrefrigerant circuit component until all refrigerant (liquid andvapour) has been removed from chiller and the system hasbeen purged with nitrogen. Traces of vapour should bedisplaced with dry air nitrogen. Refrigerant in contact withan open flame produces toxic gases.The necessary protection equipment must be available, andappropriate fire extinguishers for the system and therefrigerant type used must be within easy reach.Do not siphon refrigerant.Avoid contact with liquid refrigerant on the skin or splashingit into the eyes. Use safety goggles. Wash any spills from theskin with soap and water. If liquid refrigerant enters the eyes,immediately and abundantly flush the eyes with water andconsult a doctor.The accidental releases of the refrigerant, due to small leaksor significant discharges following the rupture of a pipe oran unexpected release from a relief valve, can cause frostbitesand burns to personnel exposed. Do not ignore such injuries.Installers, owners and especially service engineers for theseunits must:- Seek medical attention before treating such injuries.- Have access to a first-aid kit, especially for treating eyeinjuries.We recommend to apply standard EN-378.Never apply an open flame or live steam to a refrigerantcontainer. Dangerous overpressure can result.During refrigerant removal and storage operations followapplicable regulations. These regulations, permittingconditioning and recovery of halogenated hydrocarbonsunder optimum quality conditions for the products andoptimum safety conditions for people, property and theenvironment are described in standard NF E29-795.Any refrigerant transfer and recovery operations must becarried out using a transfer unit. An SAE connector(respectively 1/2” for R1234ze(E) and 3/8” for R515B) on themanual liquid line valve is supplied with all units forconnection to the transfer station. The units must never bemodified to add refrigerant or oil charging devices, removalor purging devices. All these features are provided with theunits. Please refer to the certified dimensional drawings forthe units.Never use the compressor as a vacuum pump. It woulddamage the compressor.Do not re-use disposable (non-returnable) cylinders orattempt to refill them. It is dangerous and illegal. Properrefrigerant cylinders designated and marked for the originalrefrigerant stated on the nameplate should be used. Whencylinders are empty, evacuate the remaining gas pressure,and move the cylinders to a place designated for theirrecovery. Do not incinerate.ATTENTION: Only use refrigerant, in accordance with AHRI700-2014 (Air conditioning, Heating and RefrigerationInstitute). The use of any other refrigerant may expose usersand operators to unexpected risks.Do not attempt to remove refrigerant circuit components orfittings, while the machine is under pressure or while it isrunning. Be sure pressure is at 0 kPa and has been purgedwith nitrogen before removing components or opening acircuit.Do not attempt to repair or recondition any safety deviceswhen corrosion or build-up of foreign material (rust, dirt,scale, etc.) is found within the valve body or mechanism. Ifnecessary, replace the device. Do not install relief valves inseries or backwards.ATTENTION: No part of the unit must be used as a walk-way,rack or support. Periodically check and repair or if necessaryreplace any component or piping that shows signs of damage.The refrigerant lines can break under the weight and releaserefrigerant, causing personal injury.Do not climb on a machine. Use a platform, or staging to workat higher levels.Use mechanical lifting equipment (crane, hoist, winch, etc.)to lift or move heavy components. For lighter components,use lifting equipment when there is a risk of slipping or losingyour balance.Use only original replacement parts for any repair orcomponent replacement. Consult the list of replacement partsthat corresponds to the specification of the originalequipment.Do not drain water circuits containing industrial brines,without informing the technical service department at theinstallation site or a competent body first.Close the entering and leaving water shutoff valves and purgethe unit water circuit, before working on the componentsinstalled on the circuit (screen filter, pump, water flow switch,etc.).Do not loosen the water box bolts until the water boxes havebeen completely drained.Periodically inspect all valves, fittings and pipes of therefrigerant and hydraulic circuits to ensure that they do notshow any corrosion or any signs of leaks.It is recommended to wear ear defenders, when working nearthe unit and the unit is in operation.1 - INTRODUCTION