Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.Catalog No. 04-53480350-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form IIK-CRPWREXH068-05 Pg 8 6-22 Replaces: IIK-CRPWREX068-04© 2022 Carrier5. Turn the minimum position potentiometer (MIN POS) on theEconomizer IV controller clockwise to open until the exhaustLED (EXH) lights up. (See Fig. 13.)6. Dry contacts on the Economizer IV controller should closeand energize the Power Exhaust Relay (PER). The powerexhaust should turn on.7. If the power exhaust fan does not turn on, de-energize mainpower to the unit and then check the power exhaust installa-tion wiring.8. Set the unit back to its original configuration by turningthe minimum position potentiometer (MIN POS)counter-clockwise, back to the marked setting and removethe jumpers placed in Steps 2 and 3 of this procedure.NOTE: For units with DDC control see Service and MaintenanceManual for power exhaust functional check instructions.For Units with W7220 EconomizerThe economizer controller used on electro mechanical units is aHoneywell W7220 which is to be located in the RTU base unit’scontrol box. See the Installation Instruction for your base unit forthe location of the control box access panel.NOTE: W7220 control is able to run the check-up routine foreconomizer/exhaust directly. This routine can be accessed and ranusing the keypad and navigating through menus.The W7220 controller provides the following:• 2-line LCD interface screen for setup, configuration andtroubleshooting• On-board fault detection and diagnostics• Sensor failure loss of communications identification• Automatic sensor detection• Capabilities for use with multiple-speed indoor fansystemsUSER INTERFACEThe user interface consists of a LCD display and a 4-buttonkeypad on the front of the economizer controller.KEYPADThe four navigation buttons (see Fig. 15) are used to scrollthrough the menus/menu items, select menu items, and to changeparameter and configuration settings.USING THE KEYPAD WITH MENUSTo use the keypad when working with menus:• Press the ▲ Up (arrow) button to move to the previousmenu.• Press the ▼ (Down arrow) button to move to the nextmenu.• Press the (Enter) button to display the first item in thecurrently displayed menu.• Press the (Menu Up/Exit) button to exit a menu’s itemand return to the list of menus.MENU STRUCTUREThe Menus in display order are:• STATUS• SETPOINTS• SYSTEM SETUP• ADVANCED SETUP• CHECKOUT• ALARMSFig. 15 — W7220 ControllerCHECKOUT TESTNOTE: See User Interface for information about menu navigationand use of the keypad.To perform a Checkout test:1. Scroll to DAMPER OPEN in the Checkout menu using the▲ and ▼ buttons.2. Press the button to select the item.3. RUN appears.4. Press the button to start the test.5. The unit pauses and then displays IN PROGRESS.6. Exhaust fan contacts enable during the DAMPER OPEN test.Make sure you pause in the mode to allow exhaust contacts toenergize due the delay in the system.7. When the test is complete, DONE appears.8. When all desired parameters have been tested, pressthe (Menu up) button to end the test.NOTE: Checkout test can be performed at any time during the op-eration of the system as a test that the system is operable.START-UPRefer to the base unit’s Service and Maintenance Manual for de-tailed Start-up instructions.CAUTIONEQUIPMENT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipmentdamage.Be sure to allow enough time for compressor startup andshutdown between checkout tests so that you do not short-cycle the compressors.2 LINELCDMENU UP(EXIT)BUTTONSCROLLUP/DOWNBUTTONSSELECT(ENTER)BUTTON