3Table 1 — Thermostat Wiring Terminations*Used on Heat Pump applications only.Configure Advanced Setup — To enter into the Ad-vanced Setup screens of the thermostat, press the Mode andFan buttons at the same time for 7 seconds. The AdvancedSetup Step number is shown in the top right corner of the ther-mostat screen. Use the Mode button to advance through thesteps. See Table 2. Press the Mode and Fan buttons at the sametime to exit the Advanced Setup mode.HEAT PUMP CONFIGURATION (Steps 1 and 2) — To setthe thermostat for heat pump operation, Advanced SetupStep 1 must be configured to ON. Use the UP and DOWN AR-ROW buttons to configure the step. The default is OFF. Pressthe Mode button to continue to Step 2. Step 2 is used to set thereversing valve polarity for the heat pump. The variable can beset to either ‘‘B’’ or ‘‘O.’’ Set the reversing valve polarity to thecorrect value depending on the application. The default is ‘‘O.’’NOTE: Some large commercial rooftop heat pump units mustbe configured with Advanced Setup Step 1 (Heat Pump Opera-tion) set to OFF. Refer to base unit instructions for moreinformation.NOTE: Step 2 will appear only if Step 1 is set to ON. Step 3will appear only if Step 1 is set to OFF.ELECTRIC HEAT CONFIGURATION (Step 3) — Step 3is used to configure the thermostat for first stage electric heat.The variable can be configured ON or OFF. The default is OFF.NOTE: Step 3 will appear only if Step 1 is set to OFF.DEADBAND (Step 4) — The deadband is the difference intemperature above the cooling set point or below the heatingset point that the thermostat will wait before turning on the firststage of heating or cooling. For example, if the cooling setpoint is 82 F (28 C) and the deadband is 2 degrees, the firststage of cooling will not be energized until the temperaturereaches 84 F (30 C). The range of values is 1 to 6 degrees. Thedefault is 2 degrees.SET POINT MINIMUM DIFFERENCE (Step 5) — The min-imum difference between heating and cooling set points can beuser-configured. The range is from 0 to 6 degrees. The defaultis 2 degrees. The minimum difference is enforced duringAutochangeover and Program On operation.CYCLES PER HOUR LIMIT (Step 6) — The number oftimes that heating or cooling can be energized per hour can beconfigured. Set the variable to ‘‘d’’ for no limit. Set the variableto ‘‘d1’’ to disable the 5-minute compressor lockout. The vari-able can also be set from 2 to 6 cycles per hour. The default is6 cycles per hour.BACKLIGHT DISPLAY (Step 7) — The display backlightcan be set to ON (always on) or OFF (turn off 8 seconds afterusage). The default is ON.FAHRENHEIT/CELSIUS OPERATION (Step 8) — The ther-mostat can be set to operate in Fahrenheit or Celsius degrees.Set the variable to ‘‘F’’ for Fahrenheit operation. Set the vari-able to ‘‘C’’ for Celsius operation. The default is ‘‘F.’’Table 2 — Advanced Setup ConfigurationInstall Accessories — The Add-A-Wire™ accessorycan be used with this thermostat.Refer to the Add-A-Wire accessory installation instructionsfor more information.Calibrate Sensor — Every thermostat is factory-calibrated.Under normal circumstances there will never be a need tore-calibrate the thermostat. If re-calibration must be done, performthe following procedure:1. Hold down the Mode and DOWN ARROW buttons for5 seconds. All of the icons on the display screen willappear. Release the buttons.EXISTING WIREDESIGNATION FUNCTION TERMINALCONNECTIONG or F Fan GY1, Y, or C Cooling Y1W1, W, or H Heating W1/O/BRh, R, M, Vr, or A Power (24 v) RC Common CO/B Reversing Valve* W1/O/BY2 Second Stage Cooling Y2W2 Second Stage Heating W2Damage to compressor could result if 5-minute compressorlockout is disabled or compressor is allowed unlimitedcycles. Do not set thermostat Advanced Setup Step 6 to‘‘d’’ or ‘‘d1’’ unless specifically recommended for theapplication.STEP DESCRIPTION RANGE DEFAULT1 Heat Pump Off/On Off2 Reversing Valve Polarity O/B O3 Electric Heat Off/On Off4 Deadband 1 - 6 degrees 25 Forced MinimumTemperature Difference 0 - 6 degrees 26 Cycles per Hour d, d1, 2 - 6 67 Thermoglow™ Backlight Off/On On8 Temperature Units F/C FW2TYPICALUNITLCGY1EOW1RY224 VAC COMMONFAN RELAYCOMPRESSOR RELAY1st STAGE HEAT*24 VAC2nd STAGE COMPRESSOR RELAY2nd STAGE HEATW2 Y2R Y1G CTHERMOSTATW1BOW2TYPICALUNITLCGY1EOW1RY224 VAC COMMONFAN RELAYCOMPRESSOR RELAY24 VACW2 Y2R Y1G CTHERMOSTATREVERSING VALVEW1BOFig. 7 — Typical Wiring (5-Wire, Single-StageCooling, Single-Stage Heating, Heat PumpApplications)NOTE: If using residential heat pump, the heat pump mustbe set to ON in Advanced Setup.*If using electric heat, this option must be set to ON during Advanced Setup.NOTE: Commercial heat pumps do not have the heat pump turned on inAdvanced Setup.Fig. 6 — Typical Wiring (7-Wire, 2-Stage Cooling2-Stage Heating Applications)→105→