Carrier EDGE Pro Installation Instructions Manual
12DEHUMIDIFICATION — Dehumidification is done only dur-ing cooling. Depending on type of equipment used, compressorspeed, fan speed, set point adjustment, and equipment cyclingare modified to provide added dehumidification. A dehumidifi-cation set point (separate from humidification set point) is avail-able to the user. It can range from 46% to 98% relative humidity.When actual humidity is higher than the set point, adehumidification demand exists. The thermostat responds byactivating the dry contacts (D1/D2 when enabled in Option 19).The thermostat may also control the compressor and fan,depending on equipment type and dehumidification selectionchoice. The 3 available selections are described below. Amandatory 30-second fan off delay will be enforced if there hasbeen a call for dehumidification during a cooling call. Theamount of extra dehumidification available is very dependent onthe type of equipment. Without a variable-speed fan, thesystem’s ability to adjust dehumidification is very limited.Normal Dehumidification Operation — When normal dehu-midification is selected, the compressor will not turn on withouta cooling demand. If dehumidification demand exists whilecooling, dry contact will also be active. This output commandsvariable-speed fans to reduce their airflow, which improves wa-ter removal from the cooled air.Cool to Dehumidification — The cool to dehumidification se-lection tells the system to operate the compressor, within limits,when there is a dehumidification demand even if there is nocooling demand. The limits are that the system may overcool upto 3° F (1.7° C), but no more, while attempting to satisfy a dehu-midification demand. Within this 3° F (1.7° C) range, there is anadditional balance between overcooling and humidity satisfac-tion.When overcooling must occur, the dehumidification set pointis adjusted upward by 2% per degree of overcooling. For exam-ple, a cooling set point of 76 F (24.4 C) and a dehumidificationset point of 60% is equivalent to a cooling set point of 75 F(23.9 C) and a dehumidification set point of 62%. This dehumid-ification set point change is internal to the thermostat and is notshown on the display.Dehumidification Off — Dehumidification can be turned offcompletely. This can be done without changing existing setpoints.To Select Dehumidification — Press the soft key below the de-humidification icon button to bring up dehumidification selec-tions. Dehumidification options are only available when in Cool-ing mode. When system is in AUTO mode, dehumidificationoptions are available if the last system operation was a call forcooling.If FAN is set for continuous operation (Fan On icon dis-played), then the G output is turned off for 30 seconds at the endof each cooling cycle as long as dehumidification demand exists.Like humidification, dehumidification actions are initiated whenhumidity is 1% above set point and are terminated when humidi-ty drops to 4% below set point. This prevents unnecessary tog-gling of dehumidification actions when humidity is near the setpoint.Holiday — A holiday selection is available specifically fortimes when the space will not be occupied for an extended peri-od. Holiday mode has an automatic hold, meaning that set pointsare not affected by the programmed schedule. Holiday mode isactive for a specified period of time. While in Holiday mode, thesystem provides temperature and humidity protection for thespace in the selected mode, but not comfort. When Holidaymode is active, an arrow will be displayed beside “HOLIDAY”in the upper left corner of the display. Please refer to the Owner’sManual for details about configuring the Holiday Schedule.HOLIDAY SET POINTS — A special set of temperature andhumidity set points are active in Holiday mode. They are adjust-able by the user and are used exclusively for Holiday mode.They are remembered from one holiday selection to the next.See Table 4 for default holiday values.Table 4 — Holiday Default ValuesHOLIDAY HUMIDIFICATION — Normal humidification isavailable using holiday set points. Auto humidification is avail-able, adjusting its set point with outdoor temperature the same aswhen occupied. Holiday humidification can be turned off inde-pendently of occupied humidification. While setting the Holidayset points, the Holiday humidification set point is accessible bypressing the soft key below the humidification icon when thebox is around the heating set point.HOLIDAY DEHUMIDIFICATION — Normal Dehumidifica-tion, Cool to Dehumidification, and Dehumidification OFF areall available in Holiday mode. The selection of one of these canbe different from that of occupied mode. Holiday dehumidifica-tion selection and set points are remembered the next time holi-day is used. While setting holiday set points, the holiday dehu-midification set point is accessible by pressing the soft key be-low the dehumidification icon when the box is around thecooling set point.OPERATIONUnoccupied Override — The OCCUPIED button isonly active:• during the unoccupied periods• when hold is active• when holiday is activeThe OCCUPIED button is inactive during occupied periods(OCC, OCC2, and OCC3).When the user presses the OCCUPIED button, the set pointschange to the occupied settings and temporary hold timer is setfor two hours. The user can adjust the temporary hold timer toany value in 15-minute increments from15 minutes to the maxi-mum number of hours specified by the installer in configurationOption 38.When the temporary hold timer counts down to zero, the setpoints will change to the program schedule settings for that timeof day. If smart recovery conditions are satisfied, the set pointswill change from the occupied values to the program schedulevalues.If hold is active, the temporary hold timer is not displayed.The fan will run according to the setting specified by the installerin configuration Option 36.OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 F45%40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%TARGET HUMIDITY9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1(-28.9) (-26.1) (-23.3) (-20.5) (-17.8) (-15.0) (-12.2) (-9.4) (-6.7) (-3.9) (-1.1) (1.7) (4.4) (7.2) (10) Ca33-9301Fig. 14 — Auto HumidificationMODE AUTO SET POINTSFan Follows setting of Option 37Heat Set Point 55 F (12.8 C)Cool Set Point 85 F (29.4 C)Humidification Set Point 20%Dehumidification Set Point 98% |
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