613. Attach display module body to equipment control moduleby first setting the module on at top of equipment controlmodule and then snapping the bottom corners of displaymodule into place.14. Turn on power to equipment. On power up, all displaysegments will light for 5 seconds. For the next 5 seconds,a 2-digit code will appear on the center of the large dis-play which identifies the equipment configuration:AC — Two-stage heat / Two-stage coolHP — Three-stage heat / Two-stage coolPower — The thermostat is powered by 24 vac only. Thethermostat requires the 24 vac (Rh and/or Rc and C terminals)of the low-voltage transformer to be connected to it for properoperation. The thermostat will not operate without theseconnections. The Rh and Rc terminals are connected via thePCB breakout jumper. For applications using a single 24-vactransformer for power, the breakout jumper should remainintact. For applications using two 24-vac transformers, thebreakout jumper must be broken because possible voltagedifferences between the two transformers could cause irregularoperation or damage to the thermostat. See Fig. 12.For applications using two 24-vac transformers, one in theindoor unit and one in the outdoor unit, connect the commonwire from each to the C terminal. Connect R from the indoorunit to the Rh terminal. Connect R from the outdoor unit to theRc terminal. Break the jumper on the circuit board. See Fig. 12.The W and HUM signals are taken from the Rh power and theG signal is taken from the Rc power.If the control has been installed in a two-transformer appli-cation that is later changed to a single-transformer installation,the installer must install a field-supplied jumper between Rcand Rh. Depending on the installation, up to 14 wires may berequired. Installation as two-piece unit is recommended. Onlytwo wires are required for connection between display moduleand equipment control module. These two wires (V+ and Vg)do not provide ordinary 24 vac. They carry a combination ofpower and communications data that is unique to theseproducts.Humidification Equipment and Connections(33CS2PPRH-03 Model Only) — The humidificationoutput connects directly to 24-vac operated humidifiers. Noother connection or interlock is required. Any of severalinstaller-selectable operating modes are available.Dehumidification Equipment and Connec-tions — The D1 and D2 terminals are for a dry relay con-tact. Operating the relay by itself will not cause 24 V to appearat the terminal. To have 24 V appear at D2, D1 has to have awire jumper added to either Rc or Rh.The dry contact must be configured for dehumidification inconfiguration Option 19. See page 8. See Wiring Diagrams formore information.CONFIGURATIONTo Enter and Exit Configuration Mode — Pressand hold OCCUPIED button for approximately 10 seconds.The display module will now be in Configuration mode. Themodule will automatically exit this mode if no button is pressedfor 3 minutes. Pressing the DONE button will exit Configura-tion mode immediately.Configuration Mode — The option number is dis-played in the heat set point location and the configuration set-ting is displayed in the cool set point location. A box will sur-round the option number. The MODE button is used to movethe box between the two displayed values or the soft keys be-low the values may also be used. The value inside the box ischanged by using the UP and DOWN buttons. All changesmade are saved at the time of selection and will be saved in theevent of the 3-minute timeout or when installer exits from con-figuration menu. See Table 1.Table 1 — Configuration OptionsLEGEND* These settings are accessible by the user from the display withoutentering Configuration mode.WARNINGDO NOT connect unit HUM terminal directly to thermo-stat control HUM terminal. This will bypass unit safetycontrols. Personal injury or death could result.a33-9172Fig. 12 — PCB Breakout JumperOPTION NO. CONFIGURATION01 Equipment Type02 Replace Filter Reminder03* Fahrenheit/Centigrade Selection04 Fan (G) on with W/W1 Selection05 Space Temperature Sensing06 Cooling Lockout07 Equipment DDC Controller08 Auxiliary Heat Lockout Temperature Setting09 Heat Pump Lockout Temperature10 Reversing Valve11 Adjustable Set Point Deadband12 Smart Recovery13 Space Temperature Offset Adjustment14 Humidity Offset Adjustment15 Enable Auto Mode16 Cycles Per Hour17 Time Between Stages18* Backlight Configuration19 Dry Contact20 Outdoor Air Temperature Offset Adjustment21* Keypad Lockout22 High Cool Latch Temperature23 High Heat Latch Temperature24* Programmable/Non-Programmable25* Number of Programmable Periods per Day26 Minimum Cooling Set Point27 Maximum Heating Set Point28 UV Light Reminder29 Service Reminder30 Unused31* Daylight Savings Time Configuration32 Unused33 Single or Two-Piece Installation34 OAT/SRTN Terminals for OAT or SAT Sensor35 Emergency Heat Mode Availability36 Fan Selection During Occupied Periods37 Fan Selection During Unoccupied Periods38 Maximum Temporary Hold For Hours39 Temperature Display99 Reset to Factory DefaultsDDC — Direct Digital ControllerSAT — Supply-Air TemperatureOAT — Outdoor-Air TemperatureUV — Ultraviolet