935 36* Factory-provided with the furnace. Filters may be field modified by cutting-filter material and support rods (3) in filters. Alternate sizes and additionalfilters may be ordered from your dealer.† Upflow only.COMBUSTION AREA AND VENT SYSTEMVisually inspect the combustion area and vent system beforeeach heating season. Make sure that all PVC pipes leadinginto the combustion area and vent are free from any cracksand sags. Check the combustion-air intake and vent pipe onthe outside of your home for blockage.When dirt, soot, scale, or rust is allowed to build up, your fur-nace can suffer a loss of efficiency and perform improperly.Accumulations on the main burners can result in firing out ofnormal sequence. This delayed ignition creates an alarminglyloud sound.To inspect the combustion area and vent system, you willneed a flashlight. Refer to Fig. 3 or 4, and proceed as follows:1. Turn off the gas and electrical supplies to the furnace andremove the main furnace door. (See Fig. 9, 10, and 11.)2. Remove burner enclosure front. (See Fig. 37 or 38.)Inspect the gas burners, igniter area, and remainder of furnacefor dirt, rust, soot, or scale.3. Inspect the combustion-air and vent PVC pipes for sags,holes, cracks, or disconnections. Horizontal portions ofpipes must slope downward toward furnace.37 384. Reinstall burner enclosure front.5. If your furnace is free of the above conditions, replacemain furnace door and turn on electrical and gas suppliesto the furnace. (See Fig. 16, 17, and 18.)6. Start the furnace and observe its operation. Watch theburner flames to see if they are clear blue, almost transpar-ent. (See Fig. 36.) If you observe a suspected malfunction,or the burner flames are not clear blue, call your dealer.39FURNACE AIR FILTER TABLEAIR FILTER LOCATED IN BLOWER COMPARTMENTFURNACECASINGWIDTH (IN.)FILTER SIZE (IN)FILTERTYPESide Return† Bottom Return17-1/2 (1) 16 x 25 x 1* (1) 16 x 25 x 1* Cleanable21 (1) 16 x 25 x 1 (1) 20 x 25 x 1* Cleanable24-1/2 (1 or 2) 16 x 25 x 1 (1) 24 x 25 x 1* CleanableAIR FILTER LOCATED IN FILTER CABINETFILTERCABINETHEIGHT (IN)FILTERSIZE (IN)FILTERTYPE16 (1) 16 x 25 x 1*or (1) 16 x 25 x 4-5/16Cleanable orDisposable20 (1) 20 x 25 x 1*or (1) 20 x 25 x 4-5/16Cleanable orDisposable24 (1) 24 x 25 x 1*or (1) 24 x 25 x 4-5/16Cleanable orDisposableCAUTIONUse care when cutting support rods in filters toprotect against flying pieces and sharp rod ends.Wear safety glasses, gloves, and appropriate pro-tective clothing. Failure to follow this cautioncould result in personal injury.DANGERIf holes are found in the pipes or if any portion hasbecome disconnected, toxic fumes can escape intoyour home. DO NOT OPERATE YOUR FURNACE.Call your dealer for service. Failure to follow thiswarning could result in personal injury or death.!!CAUTIONIf your furnace makes an especially loud noisewhen the main burners light, shut down your fur-nace and call your dealer. Failure to follow thiscaution would result in minor property damage.CAUTIONIf dirt, rust, soot, or scale accumulations are found,call your dealer. Do not operate your furnace. Failureto follow this caution would result in minor propertyor product damage.!!Upflow Downflow