12SYSTEM MAINTENANCE< BACKREMIND OWNER OFMAINTENANCE EVERY:12 MONTHS% USED: 50%RESET >A07033Fig. 30 -- System MaintenancePressing the right side button will reset the timer. Pop--upconfirmation will be shown.Setup -- Utility SaverCooling/Heat Pump Heating: (Hybrid Heat & Hydronic HeatOnly)S Turn off, Low StageUtility Saver is used to force the equipment to a lower stage (lowor off) when activated by the utility company, typically duringpeak load times.This setup is available only if the equipment has a utility saverinput (refer to equipment Installation Instructions.) This setupcontrols the response of the equipment when the utility saver inputis active.The choices include:S Turn Off , (equipment turns off)S Low Stage (available if the AC/heat pump is a 2--stage model,runs low speed only)CHECKOUT MENUSThe Checkout menu will show the equipment installed in thesystem. A sample checkout menu is shown in Fig. 31.CHECKOUTFURNACEHEAT PUMP HEATINGHEAT PUMP COOLINGHUMIDIFIERVENTILATORBACK SELECTA03204Fig. 31 -- Checkout MenuCheckout -- Furnace or Gas PACMake sure the furnace is properly installed before continuing.S LOW HEAT RUNTIME: 5 min.S HIGH HEAT RUNTIME: 5 min.This menu item allows the furnace to be exercised. First, a low heatruntime and high heat runtime are selected. Range = 5 -- 120 min.If only the low heat is to be exercised:The furnace will execute its ignition start--up sequence. Thissequence will be displayed on the Infinity Control screen. After thegas valve and blower motor turn on, the screen will automaticallychange to “FURNACE CHECK” and show the current operatingstatus of the furnace.Checkout -- Electric HeatS ELECTRIC HEAT RUNTIME: 5 min., Default time = 5 min.,Range = 0 -- 120 min.If you have a fan coil with electric heaters, this menu item willallow the heaters to be exercised.With self--identifying electric heaters, three stages of electric heatare available to be exercised in any combination. Non--identifyingheaters will only provide one stage of heat.Enter the run time (in minutes) of each stage of heat to be exercisedthen press START (right--side button). The display will change toshow the fan coil’s operating status.Checkout -- Heat Pump HeatingS HIGH HEAT RUNTIME: 5 min.S LOW HEAT RUNTIME: 5 min.S DEFROST: NOThe heat pump heating mode can be exercised with this menuoption. With a 2--stage heat pump, a low heat runtime and a highheat runtime are independently selectable to exercise. A defrostcycle is also selectable. Default time = Fixed 5 min. minimum,range = 5 -- 120 min.NOTE: Airflows during Checkout modes are fixed to theEfficiency setting and are independent of other airflow settings. Toview airflows for normal heat pump heating mode, exit theCheckout screen and apply a heating demand to the system.Checkout -- Heat Pump Cooling or AC CoolingS HIGH COOL RUNTIME: 5 min.S LOW COOL RUNTIME: 5 min.The heat pump cooling mode (or AC cooling mode) can beexercised with this menu option. With a 2--stage heat pump or ACunit, a low cool runtime and a high cool runtime are independentlyselectable to exercise. The display will change to show the heatpump or AC operating status.Default time = Fixed 5 min. minimum, range = 5 -- 120 min.NOTE: Airflows during Checkout modes are fixed to theEfficiency setting and are independent of other airflow settings. Toview airflows for normal heat pump heating mode, exit theCheckout screen and apply a heating demand to the system.Checkout -- HumidifierS OFFS ONThe humidifier can be exercised On and Off with this menu option.Checkout -- VentilatorSpeed:S OFFS LOWS HIGHThe ventilator can be exercised through all of its operating speedswith this menu option.Checkout -- System Access Module (SAM)See System Access Module Installation Instructions for full details.SERVICE MENUSThe Service Info menu will only show the equipment installed inthe system. Below is a sample using a furnace and a heat pump(Hybrid Heat). A sample service menu is shown in Fig. 32.SERVICE INFOFURNACE STATUSHEAT PUMP STATUSLAST 10 SYSTEM FAULTSRUN/FAULT HISTORYTODAY’S DATEMODEL/SERIAL NUMBERSERVICE PHONE NUMBERBACK SELECTA03205Fig. 32 -- Service Info MenuCCUID01-- B