3Field--fabricated snow or ice stands may be used to raise unit whenoperation will be required during winter months. Units may also bewall mounted using the accessory wall mounting kit.A07396Fig. 3 --- Lifting Unit with SlingCOMPLETE REFRIGERANT PIPINGCONNECTIONSOutdoor units may be connected to indoor units usingfield--supplied tubing of refrigerant grade and condition. SeeProduct Data for correct line sizes. Do not use less than 10 ft (3.05m) of interconnecting tubing.CAUTION!UNIT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipmentdamage or improper operation.If any section of pipe is buried, there must be a 6 in. (152.4mm) vertical rise to the valve connections on the outdoorunit. If more than the recommended length is buried,refrigerant may migrate to cooler, buried section duringextended periods of system shutdown. This causes refrigerantslugging and could possibly damage the compressor atstart--up.When more than 80 ft (24.4 m) of interconnecting tubing and morethan 20 ft (6.1 m) of vertical lift is used, consult the residentialLong Line Application Guide for required accessories. If eitherrefrigerant tubing or indoor coil is exposed to the atmosphere, thesystem must be evacuated following good refrigeration practices.Run refrigerant tubes as directly as possible, avoiding unnecessaryturns and bends. Suspend refrigerant tubes so they do not damageinsulation on vapor tube and do not transmit vibration to structure.Also, when passing refrigerant tubes through a wall, seal theopening so that vibration is not transmitted to structure. Leavesome slack in refrigerant tubes between structure and outdoor unitto absorb vibration. Refer to separate indoor unit installationinstructions for additional information.Filter DrierRefer to Fig. 4 and install filter drier as follows:1. Braze 5 in. (127 mm) liquid tube to the indoor coil.2. Wrap filter drier with damp cloth.3. Braze filter drier to 5 in. (127 mm) long liquid tube fromstep 1.4. Connect and braze liquid refrigerant tube to the filter drier.A05227Fig. 4 --- Filter Drier ComponentsThe filter drier must be replaced whenever the refrigeration systemis exposed to the atmosphere.Only use factory specified liquid--line filter driers with ratedworking pressures less than 600 psig.NOTE: Do not install a suction--line filter drier in liquid line.Make Piping Sweat ConnectionsRemove plastic caps from liquid and suction service valves. Userefrigerant grade tubing. Service valves are closed from the factoryand are ready for brazing. After wrapping the service valve with awet cloth, the tubing set can be brazed to the service valve usingeither silver bearing or non--silver bearing brazing material.Consult local code requirements. Refrigerant tubing and the indoorcoil are now ready for leak testing.NOTE: Unit is shipped with Puron (R--410A) refrigerant factorycharge indicated on nameplate.Pass nitrogen or other inert gas through piping while brazing toprevent formation of copper oxide.CAUTION!UNIT DAMAGE HAZARDFailure to follow this caution may result in equipmentdamage or improper operation.To prevent damage to unit or service valves observe thefollowing:S Use a brazing shield.S Wrap service valves with wet cloth or use a heat sinkmaterial.Provide Safety ReliefA fusible plug is located in unit suction line; do not cap this plug.If local code requires additional safety devices, install as directed.MAKE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS! WARNINGELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personal injury ordeath.The unit cabinet must have an uninterrupted or unbrokenground to minimize personal injury if an electrical fault shouldoccur. The ground may consist of electrical wire or metalconduit when installed in accordance with existing electricalcodes.38QRR