TO SELECT:1. Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Useup and down buttons to make small (now flashing) displayindicate 13.2. Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash large display.3. Use up and down buttons to move between -5 and +5 in 1°steps on large display. Factory default is 0.4. Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper smalldisplay for selection of another option, or press END to exitconfiguration mode.Option 15—Enable Auto ModeThis option allows the installer to enable or disable AUTO mode(automatic changeover between heat and cool). When disabled,AUTO icon does not appear when successive presses of MODEbutton are used to move between OFF, HEAT, COOL, andEHEAT (in heat pump systems). Factory default is ON (AUTOenabled).TO SELECT:1. Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Useup and down buttons to make small (now flashing) displayindicate 15.2. Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash large display.3. Use up or down button to move between ON and OF on largedisplay. Factory default is ON (AUTO enabled).4. Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper smalldisplay for selection of another option or press END to exitconfiguration mode.Step 5—Check Thermostat OperationBefore doing the checkout, press HOLD button to turn on HOLDicon, locking the thermostat in hold mode. This will assure setpoints do not change during the checkout. Outputs for each stageof operation are listed in Table 2.TO TEST FAN:1. Press FAN button. Fan ON icon and the G output will go onwithin a few seconds, causing fan to operate.2. Pressing FAN button again will turn off the G output and turnon Fan AUTO icon.TO TEST COOLING:Press MODE button until COOL icon under it turns on. Pressdown button until cool set point (upper right 2 digit display withCOOL now flashing under it) is 2° or 3° below room temperature.This will create a cooling demand. A small triangle to the left ofthis COOL icon will flash or come on continually. Flashing meansthe equipment is going to turn on but is presently being held off bya system timer. (See "Operational Information" on page 11 fortimer descriptions.) Defeat timer by pressing UP and FAN buttonstogether. This will make the triangle stay on and turn coolingequipment on. To turn off, raise cooling set point above roomtemperature. The cooling and the triangle will turn off within a fewseconds.If system has a 2-speed compressor, it will start on low andproceed to high 15 minutes later due to a staging timer whichrequires 15 minutes of low before high comes on. The UP andFAN buttons cannot be used to defeat this timer. This timer can bedefeated by reducing the set point to more than 5° below roomtemperature, bringing on a high speed demand within 5 seconds.Remember—2-speed units have a 1 minute off time between loand high speed, so the thermostat’s demand will not showimmediately as a speed change in the outdoor unit. It will showimmediately as an increase in the indoor fan speed.TO TEST HEAT PUMP HEATING:Press MODE button until HEAT icon under it turns on. Press upbutton until HEAT set point (LOWER right 2-digit display withHEAT now flashing under it) is 2° or 3° (not more) above roomtemperature. This will create a first stage heating demand. A smalltriangle to the left of this HEAT icon will flash or come oncontinually. Flashing means the equipment is going to turn on butis presently being held off by a system timer. (See "OperationalInformation" on page 11 for timer descriptions.) Defeat timer bypressing UP and FAN buttons together. This will make the trianglestay on and turn on the heat pump. To turn off, reduce the heatingset point below the room temperature. The heating and the trianglewill turn off within a few seconds.If the system has a 2-speed compressor, it will start on low andproceed to high 15 minutes later due to a staging timer whichrequires 15 minutes of low before high comes on. The UP andFAN buttons cannot be used to defeat this timer. If set point israised to more than 5° above room temperature, the staging timeris defeated and the thermostat will call for high speed heat pumpheating within 5 sec. This is not recommended because once thedemand exceeds 5°, the thermostat may jump to furnace heating atany time. Use the method below to test the furnace.TO TEST FURNACE HEATING:To test, press MODE button until EHEAT icon turns on. This willallow operation of the furnace only. Raising set point above roomtemperature will turn on the furnace. Reducing set point belowroom temperature will turn it off.If the heat pump is single speed and the furnace is 2-stage, thethermostat can be used to control the second stage. (See Fig. 4, 6,and 8.) To test second stage, raise set point to more than 5° aboveroom temperature (defeating 15-minute staging timer). Within 5sec, the thermostat will bring on the furnace second stage.→ Table 2—Active Outputs for Each Operating State1-SPEED HEAT PUMP 2-SPEED HEAT PUMPFan G Fan GCool Y/Y2, O/W2, G Lo Cool Y1/W2, O/W2, GHi Cool Y1/W2, Y/Y2, O/W2, GHP Heat Y/Y2, G Lo HP Heat Y1/W2, GHi HP Heat Y1/W2, Y/Y2, GFurnace Lo W/W1Furnace Hi W/W1, Y1/W2 Furnace W/W16→