Communications wiringRTU Open v3 Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION ©2016Integration Guide All rights reserved16When a new device is first commissioned onto the LonWorks network, the system integrator must upload thedevice’s External Interface File (XIF) information. LonWorks uses the XIF to determine the points (networkvariables) that are available from a device. The RTU Open has a set of predefined network variables. Thesevariables can be bound or accessed by the Network Management Tool.The Browse feature of the Network Management Tool allows you to read real-time values from the RTU Open. TheNetwork Management Tool allows you to test integration prior to binding the controller's network variables to otherLonWorks nodes.Troubleshooting LonWorksCheck the following to troubleshoot your RTU Open:1 Verify that the BAS and controller are both set to speak the LonWorks protocol by theComm Selector DIPswitches DS3 - DS6.2 Verify that the BAS and the controller are both set for the same baud rate:○ 38.4k for LonWorks○ Baud rate DIP switches DS2 and DS1○ Obtain a Modstat of the controller. Scroll to the bottom of the page to Network Communications to viewthe active protocol and baud rate.3 BAS must be reading or writing to the proper point addresses on the controller.4 Verify that the Comm Option Port is enabled on the controller. The Comm Option Port setting must be set viaSW3 (switch DS7). It should be in the ON position to enable LonWorks communication.5 Verify that controller has been properly commissioned onto the LonWorks network. See Commissioning thecontroller for LonWorks communication (page 15).6 Use the Browse feature of the network management tool to verify that you can communicate and get real-time values from the controller before connecting the BAS.7 Once you have confirmed communications with the controller using the network management tool, connectthe BAS.8 Verify that the BAS is connected properly to the LonWorks Option Card's 2-wire TP/FT-10 Net port, which ispolarity insensitive. The BAS may have to configure jumper or DIP switches on their end to support TP/FT-10.