Start-upRTU Open v3 Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION ©2016Integration Guide All rights reserved17To start up the RTU Open, you need one of the following user interfaces to the controller. These items let youaccess the controller information, read sensor values, and test the controller.This interface... Provides a...Field Assistant application -Runs on a laptop that connects to controller's Local Access port 1Temporary interfaceEquipment Touch device -Connects to controller's Rnet port 2Temporary or permanentinterfacei-Vu® applicationAvailable for BACnet systems onlyPermanent interfaceSystem Touch deviceAvailable for BACnet systems onlyWire to an MS/TP network connector and a 24 Vac power supply 3Temporary or permanentinterface1 Requires a USB Link (Part #USB-L).2 See the Equipment Touch Installation and Setup Guide for detailed instructions.3 See the System Touch Installation and Setup Guide for detailed instructions.CAUTION If multiple controllers share power but polarity was not maintained when they were wired, thedifference between the controller's ground and the computer's AC power ground could damage the USB Link andthe controller. If you are not sure of the wiring polarity, use a USB isolator between the computer and the USBLink. Purchase a USB isolator online from a third-party manufacturer.Start-up