2fire extinguisher available. Read these instructions thoroughlyand follow all warnings or cautions attached to the unit.Consult local building codes and appropriate national electricalcodes (in USA, ANSI/NFPA70, National Electrical Code(NEC); in Canada, CSA C22.1) for special requirements.It is important to recognize safety information. This is thesafety-alert symbol . When you see this symbol on the unitand in instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for per-sonal injury.Understand the signal words DANGER, WARNING, CAU-TION, and NOTE. These words are used with the safety-alertsymbol. DANGER identifies the most serious hazards whichwill result in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signi-fies hazards which could result in personal injury or death.CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices, which may re-sult in minor personal injury or product and property damage.NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in en-hanced installation, reliability, or operation.!Rated Indoor Airflow (cfm) — Table 1 lists the ratedindoor airflow used for the AHRI efficiency rating for the unitscovered in this document.Table 1 — AHRI Efficiency — Rated Indoor AirflowWARNINGFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury or death. Disconnect gas piping from unit when leaktesting at pressure greater than 0.5 psig (3450 Pa). Pres-sures greater than 0.5 psig (3450 Pa) will cause gas valvedamage resulting in hazardous condition. If gas valve issubjected to pressure greater than 0.5 psig (3450 Pa), itmust be replaced before use. When pressure testing field-supplied gas piping at pressures of 0.5 psig (3450 Pa) orless, a unit connected to such piping must be isolated byclosing the manual gas valve.WARNINGFailure to follow this warning could cause personal injuryor death. Before performing service or maintenance opera-tions on unit, always turn off main power switch to unit andinstall lock(s) and lockout tag(s). Unit may have more thanone power switch.WARNINGFailure to follow this warning could cause personal injury,death and/or equipment damage.Puron (R-410A) refrigerant systems operate at higher pres-sures than standard R-22 systems. Do not use R-22 serviceequipment or components on Puron refrigerant equipment.WARNINGFailure to follow this warning could cause personal injuryor death.Relieve pressure and recover all refrigerant before systemrepair or final unit disposal.Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling refrigerants.Keep torches and other ignition sources away from refrig-erants and oils.CAUTIONFailure to follow this caution may result in personal in-jury. Sheet metal parts may have sharp edges or burrs.Use care and wear appropriate protective clothing, safe-ty glasses and gloves when handling parts and servicingair conditioning equipment.WARNINGCARBON-MONOXIDE POISONING HAZARDFailure to follow instructions could result in severe person-al injury of death due to carbon-monoxide poisoning, ifcombustion products infiltrate into the building.Check that all openings in the outside wall around the vent(and air intake) pipe(s) are sealed to prevent infiltration ofcombustion products into the building.Check that furnace vent (and air intake) terminal(s) are notobstructed in any way during all seasons.WARNINGFIRE HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury, death, and/or property damage.Inlet pressure tap set screw must be tightened and 1/8 in. NPTpipe plug must be installed to prevent gas leaks.WARNINGFIRE HAZARDFailure to follow this warning could result in personalinjury, death, and/or property damage.Manifold pressure tap set screw must be tightened and1/8 in. NPT pipe plug must be installed to prevent gas leaks.MODEL NUMBER FULL LOAD AIRFLOW (CFM)48TC*A04 127548TC*A05 140048TC*A06 180048TC*A/B07 2200GAS VALVEINLET PRESSURETAP SET SCREWMANIFOLDGAS VALVEMANIFOLD PRESSURETAP SET SCREW