33STATUS(cont)OA HUM _ _ % 0 to 100%OUTSIDE AIR RELATIVE HUMIDITYDisplays measured value of outdoor humidity from OA Sylk Bussensor.Displays _ _% if not connected short, or out of range.RA TEMP _ _ . _ °F(or _ _ . _ °C)0°F to 140°F(–18°C to 60°C)RETURN AIR TEMPERATUREDisplays measured value of return air temperature from RATSylk Bus sensor.Displays _ _ . _ F if sensor sends invalid value, if not connected,short or out of rangeRA HUM _ _ % 0 to 100%RETURN AIR RELATIVE HUMIDITYDisplays measured value of return air humidity from RA Sylk Bussensor.Displays _ _% if sensor sends invalid value, if not connected,short or out of rangeIN CO2 _ _ _ ppm 0 to 2000 ppmSPACE/RETURN AIR CO 2Displays value of measured CO 2 from CO 2 sensor. Invalid if notconnected, short or out of range. May be adjusted in Advancedmenu by Zero offset and Span.DCV STATUS N/A ON/OFFDEMAND CONTROLLED VENTILATION STATUSDisplays ON if above set point and OFF if below set point, andONLY if a CO 2 sensor is connected.DAMPER OUT 2.0v 2.0 to 10.0v Displays voltage output to the damper actuator.***ACT POS N/A 0 to 100% Displays actual position of actuatorACT COUNT N/A 1 to 65,535Displays number of times actuator has cycled.1 cycle equals 180 degrees of actuator movement in anydirection.ACTUATOR N/A OK/Alarm (onAlarm menu) Displays ERROR if voltage or torque is below actuator range.EXH1 OUT OFF ON/OFFEXHAUST STAGE 1 RELAY OUTPUTDisplays ON when damper position reaches programmedpercentage set point.Output of EXH1 terminal:ON = relay closedOFF = relay openEXH2 OUT OFF ON/OFFEXHAUST STAGE 2 RELAY OUTPUTOutput of AUX1 O terminalDisplays ON when damper position reaches programmedpercentage set point.ON = 24 vac outputOFF = No outputDisplays only if AUX1 O = EXH2ERV OFF ON/OFFENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOROutput of AUX1 O terminal; displays only if AUX1 O = ERVON = 24 vac outputOFF = No OutputMECH COOL ONorHEAT STAGES ON0 0, 1, or 2Displays stage of mechanical cooling that is active.Displays the stage of heat pump heating that is active.FAN SPEED N/A LOW or HIGH SUPPLY FAN SPEEDDisplays speed setting of fan on a 2-speed fan unit.W (HEAT IN) N/A ON/OFF HEAT DEMAND STATUSDisplays status of heat demand on a 2-speed fan unit.SETPOINTSMAT SET 53°F (12°C)38°F to 70°F(3°C to 21°C);increment by 1degreeSUPPLY AIR SETPOINTThe economizer will modulate the OA damper to maintain themixed air temperature at the set pointLOW T LOCK 32°F (0°C)–45°F to 80°F(–43°C to 27°C);increment by 1degreeCOMPRESSOR LOW TEMPERATURE LOCKOUTSet point determines outdoor temperature when the mechanicalcooling cannot be turned on. Commonly referred to as theCompressor lockout. At or below the set point, the Y1-O and Y2-O will not be energized on the controller.DRYBLB SET 63°F (17°C)48°F to 80°F(9°C to 27°C);increment by1 degreeOA DRY BULB TEMPERATURE CHANGEOVER SETPOINTDry bulb set point will only appear if using dry bulb changeover.Set point determines where the economizer will assume outdoorair temperature is good for free cooling; e.g.; at 63°F unit willeconomize at 62°F and below and not economize at 64°F andabove. There is a 2°F deadband.ENTH CURVE ES3 ES1,ES2,ES3,ES4,or ES5ENTHALPY CHANGEOVER CURVEES curve will only appear if using enthalpy changeover.Enthalpy boundary “curves” for economizing using singleenthalpy. See page 38 for description of enthalpy curves.DCV SET 1100ppm 500 to 2000 ppm;increment by 100DEMAND CONTROLLED VENTILATIONDisplays only if CO 2 sensor is connected. Set point for DemandControlled Ventilation of space. Above the set point, the OAdampers will modulate open to bring in additional OA to maintaina space ppm level below the set point.Table 10 — W7220 Menu Structure* (cont)MENU PARAMETERPARAMETERDEFAULTVALUEPARAMETERRANGE ANDINCREMENT†EXPANDED PARAMETER NAMENotes