60TEMP systemsA TEMP System is a network of communicating CarrierTEMP System Thermostats and rooftop, factory-mountedApollo direct digital controls, each serving its own zoneand heating/cooling unit. Networking allows your buildingmanager to easily access each of your systems from a sin-gle location...whether they are in the same building or lo-cated throughout town.The TEMP System’s inherently flexible, modular basedesign supports the exact number of independent,single zone systems you require...no more, no less, nocompromises.Ideal for department stores, small office buildings, fastfood chains, schools and hotels, a TEMP System is acost-effective way to maintain comfortable building envi-ronments. See Typical TEMP System on page 62.Variable Volume/Variable Temperature VVT ®systemsVVT Systems are dedicated to total building comfort.Carrier thermostats, zone dampers, and HVAC equipmentwith factory-mounted direct digital controls continuallymonitor and adjust their operation to ensure uninterruptedand personalized comfort for all occupants.Through the use of communicating electronic controls,VVT Systems are able to provide the comfort of a multiplezone system while using the installation, operation, andmaintenance economics of single zone equipment...virtual-ly putting an end to the cost vs. comfort compromise. SeeTypical VVT System on page 62.Controls (cont)