57Chapter 3: Commands and ProgrammingCommand 9 - PROBE CALIBRATECommand 9 tells calibrates probe sampling values and is used to calibratesampling levels when a high level of accuracy is required or when multipleprobes are being used.Calibration is approximated using a linear equation and quadratic equation,with coefficients specified using this command’s coefficient parameter.When performing calibration to improve accuracy, it is necessary to use aseparate reference measuring instrument of the level of accuracy desired tosample a number of points under actual sampling conditions. At least twopoints are required for the linear equation, while a minimum of three pointsare required for the quadratic equation. The more points provide a greaterimprovement in accuracy.Selection of the linear equation or quadratic equation depends on samplingconditions. The linear equation is normally used when calibrating for meas-urement using multiple probes.• The calibration performed by this command is approximate calibration,and should not be relied upon when high accuracy is required. When thesampling levels of two probes are calibrated with each other, values pro-duced by sampling with the two probes under identical conditions will notnecessarily produce identical values.Syntax{9, Channel, Equation Type, Coefficient}Channel ParameterThis parameter specifies channels for calibration. The initial default for thisparameter is 0.0 Clears all calibration channels.1 Channel 1 (CH1)2 Channel 2 (CH2)3 Channel 3 (CH3)4 SONIC channelEquation Type ParameterThis parameter specifies whether a linear equation or quadratic equationshould be used for calibration. The initial default for this parameter is 0.0 Clears channel calibration equation for channel specified by thechannel parameter.1 Linear equation2 Quadratic equation