3417.2.7 7...prm : Parameter IDThe Parameter ID field indicates the parameter type. When transferring parameters (see "Part V Parameter List"below) individually (as opposed to bulk transfer), this field is used to identify the parameter being transferred byits parameter ID. Any other time, this field is filled with the value 00H.17.2.8 8...ilen/dlen : index length / data lengthThis field indicates the size of the "11...index" field and the "12...data" field.iiB (Binary) = index length"index length (iiB)" indicates the index field length, which is always the following, regardless of the "act" (Action)value.iiB......index byte size - 1dddddB (Binary) = data length"data length (dddddB)" indicates the size of each data unit (parameter) in the "data" field.The data length differs according to Message Type, as shown below.17.2.9 9....ps : Parameter Set NumberThis field is a 2-byte (LSB, MSB) value indicating the number of the parameter set (00mmmmmmmnnnnnnnB(Binary)) being transferred.Format: 0pppppppBFormat: 0iidddddB"act" Value Message Type iiB00, 01 IPC, IPR index byte size - 1(Example: When 4 bytes = 302, 04 BDS, HDS 2 = 10B(Packet Number = 3 bytes)03, 05 BDR, HDR 0 = 00B(This field is empty, but its length is indicated as 0.)07 Control 0 = 00B(The length of this filed is 1 byte.)"act" Value Message Type dddddB00 IPC data bit size - 1(If 1 bit = 00000B; if 32 bits = 11111B)02, 04 BDS, HDS data bit size - 1 = 01111B(Since transfer is in 16-bit data, this data lengthis always used.)01, 03, 05, 07 IPR, BDR, HDR or Control 0Format: 0nnnnnnnB (LSB) 0mmmmmmmB (MSB)