3818 Parameter OperationsThere are two parameter operations: Individual Parameter Transfer and Individual Parameter Request.A single session is concluded when this Model sends an IPC (Individual Parameter Change) in response to an IPR(Individual Parameter Request) from an external device, or when an IPC is sent by an external device or thisModel on its own (not in response to an IPR). Receipt of an IPC by this Model causes the correspondingparameter to be changed.An Individual Parameter Change can also be used to issue some command to this Model, and the IndividualParameter Request can be used to check this Model's status information.See "Part V Parameter List" for information about what kinds of parameters are actually sent.19 Parameter Set Transfer Protocols19.1 Communication ProtocolsParameter sets can be transferred by bulk dump, using the message exchange types described below.• One-way protocol parameter set send/receive• One-way protocol parameter set send request send/receive• Handshake protocol parameter set send/receive• Handshake protocol parameter set send request, receive rejected, error notification send/receiveWith the One-way protocol, the sending device sends data and ends the session without regard to the response ofthe receiving device. This protocol is best for one-way transfers from a sequencer or similar device.With the Handshake protocol, the sending device sends the data and then waits for a response from the receivingdevice before advancing to the next session. This is a high-speed protocol in which there is no time wastedwaiting.Important!Though one-way protocol is defined, this Model does not have a parameter set that corresponds to one-wayprotocolSee "VI Parameter Set List" for information about how parameter sets are actually allocated.In order to ensure maximum speed for bulk dumping of a parameter set, the data format is different from the dataformat used for Individual Parameter Change. Data is transferred as-is, using this Model's memory image.One parameter set can be transferred per session. A large parameter set can be divided into multiple packets fortransfer. In this case, the index field is used for partition information.When transferring multiple groups of small parameter sets, each parameter set must be allocated to its own packet.Multiple parameter sets cannot be included within the same packet.Data Receiver Data Sender OperationIPR → Send Request (Optional)← IPC Data Transfer