37For a bulk data transfer operation, the Parameter Set data to be transferred is read sequentially in 16-bit datastarting from the top address. Read values are divided into 3-byte segments as shown below, and then sent insequence.The following is the conversion format, which is the same as the individual parameter 16-bit transfer detailedabove.16-bit Memory ImageNote, however, that a parameter set of 128 bytes or less can be sent using a single packet, and anything greaterthan 128 bytes is divided among multiple packets.This means that the maximum length "data" field is 128/2 × 3 = 192 bytes.Only one parameter set can be transferred per session, and data from different parameter sets cannot be mixedwithin a single packet, even when sending multiple parameter sets. Different parameter sets are always divided intoseparate packets.17.2.12 12...sum Check SumThis field is always empty.In this case, the "sum" field contains a value, which, when added to the total value of the "data" field, makes thelower seven bits 0. The receiving side checks if this is true, and performs error handling (re-request, etc.) if it isnot.17.2.13 14...EOX : End of System Exclusive Message(End of System Exclusive message Status = F7H)When act = 02(BDS) or 04(HDS)Format: 0dddddddB 0cccccccB 000000abBMSB: abccccccBLSB: cdddddddB↓data0: 0dddddddBdata1: 0cccccccBdata2: 000000abBWhen act = 00(IPC), 01(IPR), 03(BDR), 05(HDR) or 7(EOD, HDA, HDJ, HDE, BSY, EOS, NOP)Format: -When act = 02(BDS) or 04(HDS)Format: 0sssssssBFormat: 11110111B