INVENTORY CONTROLl~t•klhi11i•JT1Htrn)For those who sell goods, it is important torecord the quantities, amounts, etc., of goodspurchased, adjust the inventory amount, andcalculate sales and profits using sales data.This program permits performing inventory con-trol speedily and accurately using a floppy disk.It will prove useful for inventory control opera-tions involving relatively large amounts of data.l•JIZ44it·],tlThis application requires a floppy dislc.This program requires that a data file have been previously created on a floppy disk.First, execute the program in LIST 1. When the program displays the prompt "FILENAME," input the file name, and the associated file will be created on the floppy disk.Then, execute the program in LIST 2. When the prompt "DISK SET OK? (Y/N)" isdisplayed, check that the floppy disk is ready and press the RETURN key. The screenthen displays all the file names on the floppy disk. Inputting the previously entered filename then causes the menu (as shown below) to be displayed.There are 13 controlled items, four of which (quantity of stock, amount of stock,amount of sales, profit) are calculated automatically.0 Menu 6 Controlled Items1 ) OtiTA /'.'ll_L F-·r::: l Nl 1) Product Name 2) Classification2i TOTAL F•F:;: I NT 3) Memo 4) Purchase price::::: ) DATA ~DIT 5) Selling price A 6) Selling price B4) DATA hDD 7) Quantity purchased 8) Quantity sold5) Dt'.HA f:ILL 9) Quantity on hand 10) Value of goods on hand6) or,TP, SA\IE 11) Sales Amount 12) Profit7) E N D 13) Remarks~;E·l ect ion -~Each of the. operations shown in the menu is performed by inputting the associatednumber. When inputting data for the first time, specify 4) Data Add.(1) Print All DataThe data about all products stored in the file is displayed on the screen. The data issequentially displayed starting from the product name. Press any key other than the Ekey to display the next item.Pressing the E key causes the program to return to the rnenu screen.