---------------------UTILITY:J•t1t1M·M•tart the program, and it· displays the menu asking the mode of payment desired.elect the mode and input the amount of loan, number of installments, and annualnterest rate. The program then outputs the monthly payment of principal and interestomponents, together with the balance of loan.L)[TI~:fj .1.114 B~:: 1•••••1111111••••t••••••••••11•111lflt•••••••••111•••1111••••••111•••••••••111t•••••••••••t•111•••••••11t••11111111rt1t•t•l•tt1rt••t•l••••IIUilllllll•11111111111111<11111•1111141iltlll•l•~l•t1111111t!lllll•t1Ull•IIIM I10 · Payment Plan for long-term Lorn j20 nm r,= 1 ro 4 I30 READ Zt(ll !40 NEXT I i50 LF'R I NT CHf~$ ( :C'?l ;60 CLS7(2)80 F"RINT"l:Equc.d90 PRINT"2:EqualInterests"In,:;t. ofInst. of100 PRINT"3: AdcJ-On"F't- i n :.:.. j pal "F'r· inc i p~.l Pl us110 PRINT"4:Inst.of fJecr·easing F'ri.ncipal Plus";:FOR 1=0 TO 800:NEXT I:F'RINT:F'RINT" Interests"120 f'RINT"[Select 1"'4 keyJ";130 X$=INKEY$: IF X$="" THEN 13(2)140 IF ASC(X$) THEN 130 ELSE IF ASC("4") THEN 130150 X=VAL(X$)160 GOSUB lCZl0CZl170 ON X GOSUB 2000,3000,400CZl,5CZlCZl0180 LF'RINT 0HR$(27);"2"190 CLS: PR INT "-iHHHH'***-IE-IE·-IE··lHHHHHt**** If vou wish ta#Ifcontinue,200 L.OCATE 0, 5210 STOP:GOTO 5(1)l QJCZJCZJ1010 CLS1020· F'RINT Z$(Xl10~-0 F'RINT: INF'UT"Amount1.040 F'RINT: INPUT"Numbet-*-IE PUSH key. *******of Lat-n -" ,Aof Inst. =c" 'T PreviousNext |