181 - 1 Before Starting Calculations...kkkkk StacksThe unit employs memory blocks, calledstacks, for storage of low priority valuesand commands. There is a 10-levelnumeric value stack, a 26-levelcommandstack, and a 10-levelprogram subroutine stack. An error occurs if you perform acalculation so complex that it exceeds the capacity of available numeric valuestack or command stack space, or if execution of a program subroutine exceedsthe capacity of the subroutine stack.Example• Calculations are performed according to the priority sequence. Once acalculation is executed, it is cleared from the stack.• Storing a complex number takes up two numeric value stack levels.• Storing a two-byte function takes up two command stack levels.kkkkk Input, Output and Operation LimitationsThe allowable range for both input and output values is 10 digits for the mantissaand 2 digits for the exponent. Internally, however, the unit performs calculationsusing 15 digits for the mantissa and 2 digits for the exponent.Example 3 × 105 ÷ 7 – 42857 =AdEf/hwdEf/h-ecifhw12345bcdefgh23454×((+×(+......Numeric Value Stack Command StackP.16P.19Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine