Meaning• Execution of calculations thatexceed the capacity of thestack for numeric values orstack for commands.• Not enough memory to input afunction into function memory.• Not enough memory to create amatrix using the specifieddimension.• Not enough memory to holdmatrix calculation result.• Not enough memory to storedata in list function.• Not enough memory to inputcoefficient for equation.• Not enough memory to holdequation calculation result.• Not enough memory to holdfunction input in the GraphMode for graph drawing.• Not enough memory to holdfunction input in the DYNAMode for graph drawing.• Not enough memory to holdfunction or recursion input.• Incorrect argument specificationfor a command that requires anargument.• Illegal dimension or list usedduring matrix calculations.• Problem with cable connectionor parameter setting duringprogram data communications.• Problem with cable connectionor parameter setting duringdata communications.• Problem with cable connectionor parameter setting duringdata communications.• Memory of receiving unitbecame full during programdata communications.MessageStk ERRORMem ERRORArg ERRORDim ERRORCom ERRORTransmitERROR!ReceiveERROR!Memory Full!Countermeasure• Simplify the formulas to keepstacks within 10 levels for thenumeric values and 26 levelsfor the commands.• Divide the formula into two ormore parts.• Keep the number of variablesyou use for the operation withinthe number of variablescurrently available.• Simplify the data you are tryingto store to keep it within theavailable memory capacity.• Delete no longer needed datato make room for the new data.• Correct the argument.• Lbl n , Goto n : n = integer from0 through 9.• Check matrix or list dimension.• Check cable connection.• Check cable connection.• Check cable connection.• Delete some data stored in thereceiving unit and try again.437Error Message Table Appendix CDownloaded from manuals search engine