9MZ-2000 MIDI ImplementationReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the Vibrato Delay message, the reset vibrato delay value for the toneis changed accordingly. There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe Vibrato Delay message cannot be sent. TVF Cutoff FrequencyNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 20HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : Cutoff Frequency = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the TVF Cutoff Frequency message, the reset TVF cutoff frequencyvalue for the tone is changed accordingly. There is no change when the value of the data entryMSB is 40H (0).SendThe TVF Cutoff Frequency message is sent whenever a cutoff frequency operation is performedusing the initial screen in the Synthesizer Mode. TVF ResonanceNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 21HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : TVF Resonance = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the TVF Resonance message, the reset TVF resonance value for thetone is changed accordingly. There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe TVF Cutoff Frequency message is sent whenever a resonance operation is performed usingthe initial screen in the Synthesizer Mode. TVF/TVA Envelope Attack TimeNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 63HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : TVF/TVA Envelope Attack Time = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the TVF/TVA Envelope Attack Time message, the reset TVF/TVAenvelope attack time value for the tone is changed accordingly. There is no change when the valueof the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe TVF/TVA Envelope Attack Time message is sent whenever an attack time operation is per-formed using the initial screen in the Synthesizer Mode. TVF/TVA Envelope Decay TimeNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 64HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : TVF/TVA Envelope Decay Time = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the TVF/TVA Envelope Decay Time message, the reset TVF/TVAenvelope decay time value for the tone is changed accordingly.There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe TVF/TVA Envelope Decay Time message cannot be sent. TVF/TVA Envelope Release TimeNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 66HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : TVF/TVA Envelope Release Time = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the TVF/TVA Envelope Release Time message, the reset TVF/TVAenvelope release time value for the tone is changed accordingly.There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe TVF/TVA Envelope Release Time message is sent whenever whenever a release time opera-tion is performed using the initial screen in the Synthesizer Mode. Drawbar ControlNRPN MSB = 40HNRPN LSB = 00H to 08H (16' to 1')Data Entry MSB = mmHmm : Bar Position = 00H to 7FH (0 to 8)The following shows the relationship between the NRPN and the drawbar numbers.MSB LSB Drawbar Number40H 00H 16'40H 01H 5 1/3'40H 02H 8'40H 03H 4'40H 04H 2 1/3'40H 05H 2'40H 06H 1 3/5'40H 07H 1 1/3'40H 08H 1'The following shows the drawbar position for each mm value.mm : Bar Position00H to 0EH 00FH to 1CH 11DH to 2AH 22BH to 38H 339H to 47H 448H to 55H 556H to 63H 664H to 71H 772H to 7FH 8ReceiveWhile a Preset Drawbar Organ tone (Bank Number 60H) or User Drawbar Organ (Bank Number61H) is selected on the MZ-2000, you can use Drawbar Control messages for external adjustmentof harmonic component levels.