8MZ-2000 MIDI Implementation2.3.16 Sound Controller 5 (Brightness)FormatByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3BnH 4AH vvHn : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)vv : TVF Cutoff Frequency = 00H to 7FHReceiveThis message is received when Rx.Control Change = ON and its channel matches the part MIDIchannel.SendThe Sound Controller 5 message cannot be sent.2.3.17 Portamento ControlFormatByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3BnH 54H kkHn : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)kk : Source Note Number = 00H to 7FHReceiveThis message is received when Rx.Control Change = ON and its channel matches the part MIDIchannel.SendThe Portamento Control message cannot be sent.2.3.18 Effect 1 (Reverb Send Level)FormatByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3BnH 5BH vvHn : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)vv : Reverb Send Level = 00H to 7FHReceiveThis message is received when Rx.Control Change = ON and its channel matches the part MIDIchannel.SendThe Effect 1 message is sent whenever a mixer reverb depth, accomp reverb depth, or melodyreverb depth operation is performed.2.3.19 Effect 3 (Chorus Send Level)FormatByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3BnH 5DH vvHn : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)vv : Chorus Send Level = 00H to 7FHReceiveThis message is received when Rx.Control Change = ON and its channel matches the part MIDIchannel.SendThe Effect 1 message is sent whenever a mixer chorus depth, accomp chorus depth, or melodychorus depth operation is performed.2.3.20 NRPNFormatByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3BnH 63H pmH (MSB)BnH 62H plH (LSB)n : Voice Channel Number = 0H to FH (Ch1 to Ch16)pm : NRPN MSBpl : NRPN LSBReceiveNPRN are not received when Rx.Nrpn = OFF. Though undefined NRPN can be received andstored, subsequent data entry values following undefined NRPN messages are ignored.Applicable parameters are set following receipt of the NRPN MSB and LSB, the data entry MSBis received and the value is set in accordance with the data entry MSB. The data entry LSB isignored.SendAn NRPN and data entry are sent whenever the parameter assigned to the NRPN is changed. Vibrato RateNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 08HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : Vibrato Rate = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the Vibrato Rate message, the reset vibrato rate value for the tone ischanged accordingly. There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe Vibrato Rate message is sent whenever a vibrato rate operation is performed. Vibrato DepthNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 09HData Entry MSB = mmHmm : Vibrato Depth = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)ReceiveWhen the MZ-2000 receives the Vibrato Depth message, the reset vibrato depth value for the toneis changed accordingly. There is no change when the value of the data entry MSB is 40H (0).SendThe Vibrato Depth message is sent whenever a vibrato depth operation is performed. Vibrato DelayNRPN MSB = 01HNRPN LSB = 0AHData Entry MSB = mmHmm : Vibrato Delay = 00H to 40H to 7FH (-64 to 0 to +63)