23Introducing the RegisterE1 Item count and subtotalThis part of the display shows item sold count andsubtotal.2 Item / Key / Change descriptorWhen you register an item or key, the item / key /change descriptor appears here.Mode descriptor is also displayed here.3 Amount / QuantityThis part of the display shows monetary amounts.It also can be used to show the current time.(The current date is shown in the alphanumericdisplay.)4 Taxable sales status indicatorsWhen you register a taxable item, the correspontingindicator is lit.DisplaysMain Display Pop-up (customer) display(alphanumeric + numeric display) (numeric display)Item registration (by department/PLU)Repeat registrationTotalize operation1326 ST $19.84PLU00013 "50RPTAMOUNTT1 T2 T3 T4 TOTAL CHANGE5 4632CASH $20.00CG'66RPTAMOUNTT1 T2 T3 T4 TOTAL CHANGE7"503'66313423 ST $12.34DEPT001!50RPTAMOUNTT1 T2 T3 T4 TOTAL CHANGE!5035 Number of repeatsAnytime you perform a repeat registration (page 29,34), the number of repeats appears here.Note that only one digit is displayed for the numberof repeats. This means that a “5” could mean 5, 15 oreven 25 repeats.6 Tendered amountWhen the tender operation is made, the entered valueappears here.7 Total / Change indicatorsWhen the TOTAL indicator is lit, the displayed valueis monetary total or subtotal amount.When the CHANGE indicator is lit, the displayedvalue is the change due.