87 ETroubleshootingTroubleshootingWhen the cash drawer does not open!In case of power failure or the machine is in malfunction, the cashdrawer does not open automatically. Even in these cases, you canopen the cash drawer by pulling drawer release lever (see below).Important!The drawer will not open, if it is locked with a drawer lock key.Errorcode Message Meaning ActionE101E103E105E106E112E114E139E146E200E201E202E205PLU maintenance filefull. Press <#2> toexitPLU Code is not exist.Input the PLU CodePLU file fullItem exists in the PLUFILEClose the journalplaten armClose the receiptplaten armNegative balance is notallowedArrangement file fullInsert RACIllegal FormatFile not foundFile already exist.Scanning PLU direct maintenance/batch maintenancefile becomes full.PLU code is not existed in the file.Scanning PLU file fullThe designated item has already existed in thescanning PLU file.The journal platen arm is opened.The receipt platen arm is opened.Attempt to register <–> or when the balancebecomes negative.Arrangement file is full.RAC is set.Illegally formatted RACThe designated file is not found in the RAC.Can not write, because designated file has already beenin the RAC.Terminate the maintenance.Enter proper PLU code.Modify the designated item.Close the journal platen arm.Close the receipt platen arm.Enter proper minus/coupon amount.Set the arrangement properly.Set RAC.Format the RAC.Enter proper file name.Check the operation and retry.