160To create a copy of a data item1. Select the data item you want to copy.• You can select an item by displaying its data screen, or by tapping theitem on a list screen, calendar, etc.2. Tap the Menu Bar icon to display the menu bar, and then tap Edit –Item copy to display a new data input screen that contains the data ofthe item you selected in step 1.3. Make any changes in the data you want.4. After you are finished, tap the Save button to save the copied data as anew data item.Deleting DataThe following describes the general procedure for deleting data.To delete data1. Enter the mode that contains the data you want to delete.2. If you want to delete a particular data item, select the item.3. Tap the Menu Bar icon to display the menu bar, and then tap Edit –Delete to display the data delete screen.• Note that the contents of the data delete screen differ from mode tomode.4. On the data delete screen, tap the delete operation you want to perform.• See the “Delete Operations Table” below for details on available deleteoperations in each mode.• Some modes allow delete operation that delete data within a range ofdates. Selecting such an option displays a screen for input of a start dateand end date. Specify the dates you want and then tap the Exe buttonbefore advancing to the next step.5. On the confirmation message that appears, tap Yes to perform the deleteoperation you selected or No to close the dialog box without doinganything.