E-6 413A-E-008AConnecting an audio ormusical instrument amplifierConnecting to an audio or musical instrumentamplifier provides even clearer, more powerful soundthrough external speakers.Playing Output from ExternalEquipment through the Piano’sSpeakers 1R jack input sounds through the piano’s right speaker,while L/MONO jack input sounds through the leftspeaker. Connecting to the L/MONO jack only causesthe same output to be produced from both speakers.It is up to you to purchase connecting cables that arecompatible with the equipment you are connecting.Connecting to Audio Equipment 2Use commercially available cables to connect theexternal audio equipment to the piano’s LINE OUTjacks as shown in Figure 2. R jack output is rightchannel sound, while L/MONO jack output is leftchannel sound. It is up to you to purchase connectingcables like the ones shown in the illustration forconnection of audio equipment. Normally in thisconfiguration you must set the audio equipment’sinput selector to the setting that specifies the terminal(such as AUX IN) to which the piano is connected.Use the piano’s VOLUME knob to adjust the volumelevel.Connecting to a Musical InstrumentAmplifier 3Use commercially available cables to connect theamplifier to the piano’s LINE OUT jacks as shown inFigure 3. R jack output is right channel sound, whileL/MONO jack output is left channel sound.Connecting to the L/MONO jack only outputs amixture of both channels. It is up to you to purchaseconnecting cable like the one shown in the illustrationfor connection of the amplifier. Use the piano’sVOLUME knob to adjust the volume level.Accessories and OptionsUse only the accessories and options specified for thisdigital piano. Use of non-authorized items creates thedanger of fire, electric shock, and personal injury.Audio amplifier AUX IN, etc.PIN plugsRIGHT(Red)LEFT(White)Guitar amplifier,keyboard amplifier, etc.INPUT 1INPUT 2Standard jacksStandard plugTape recorder,MIDI soundsourceConnections