— 57 —(15) Mass RAM backup testThe program checks if the memory contents stored in “Mass RAM read/write test” are backed up after power isturned off then on again.Operation: (1) After the above “RAM Read/Write test”, turn the power off.(2) After for a while, turn the power on then press [n][1][7][SUB TOTAL].n = Number of execution and should be within the range of 0 to 9.If no number or “0” is input, the test continues endlessly.To stop the test, press [ESC].Display: (14) Mass RAM Read/Write testUsing the gate array and the CPU in QT-2000 circuit, the program performs RAM’s mass data (in 128k byte unit)read after write test. The program does not diagnose VRAMs.Operation: [n][1][6][SUB TOTAL].n = Number of execution and should be within the range of 0 to 9.If no number or “0” is input, the test continues endlessly.To stop the test, press [ESC].Display: 0R/J print:Dot/7-segment display indicates 0 only whenthe test is continued from the “Dot/7-segmentdisplay test.” When the test is performedindipendently, the dot/7-segment display indi-cates nothing.RAM 16MASS RAM CHIPS : mMASS#mMASS#m OKEND 160MASS 16MASS RAM CHIPS : mMASS#m OKEND 16m= bank numberor “NG”prints “ESC” when thetest is finished forciblyby [ESC] button.0R/J print:Dot/7-segment display indicates 0 only whenthe test is continued from the “Dot/7-segmentdisplay test.” When the test is performedindipendently, the dot/7-segment display indi-cates nothing.MASS 17MASS#m OKEND 17m= bank numberor “NG”prints “ESC” when thetest is finished forciblyby [ESC] button.MASS 17MAS#mMAS”m OKEND 170m= bank numberor “NG”Indicates “ESC” whenthe test is finishedforcibly by [ESC].m= bank numberor “NG”Indicates “ESC” whenthe test is finishedforcibly by [ESC].