— 42 —[ 17 ] RS232C PORT batch test[Function]This is the RS232C port batch test.The loop back test for RS232C port is performed by making the connection shown in the figure.The loop back test is performed from COM1 to COM 6 by the following setting by one time check.When performing this test, fix loop back connectors to all COM ports.[Operation]Operation : 4 0 STBaud rate: COM1: 115 kbps, COM 2 – 6 : 9600 bpsCheck time: one time[LCD]COM BATCH 40RTS1=1 CTS1=1 OKDTR1=1 DSR1=1 OKDTR1=1 CD1=1 OKDTR1=1 CI1=1 OKRTS1=0 CTS1=0 OKDTR1=0 DSR1=0 OKDTR1=0 CD1=0 OKDTR1=0 CI1=0 OKTxD RxD OKRTS2=1 CTS2=1 OKDTR2=1 DSR2=1 OKDTR2=0 CD2=0 OKDTR2=0 CI2=0 OKTxD RxD OK•••END 40COM 1 test resultCOM 2 test resultT x DR x DC T SR T SD T RDSRC DC IT x DR x DC T SR T SD T RDSRCOM1 COM2COM6∗ ∗∗∗ : output “1” “0” from the output terminal and checks the input terminal.∗Figure : RS232C port connectionThe same display for COM2 appears for COM3 to COM6.Note that the actual display shows only a part of the results (not the whole as shown in the left).