Load Memory Protection Batteries and Paper RollD) Install the supplied thermal paper roll by lifting up theplaten arm and placing the paper roll into the printer well asshown below. Close the cover firmly.1Initialize Your Cash Register2A) Insert the supplied key and turnto the “OFF” position.B) Plug the power cord into the AC outlet and wait forthe instructional messages to print.IMPORTANT: Confirm that the plus (+) and minus (-) ends of the batteriesare facing in the directions indicated in the illustration inside thebattery compartment.To prevent losing all of your settings and salesdata, we recommend you install the two memoryprotection batteries.Choosing the Language3A) For English select the following:Please also refer to printout instructions from the cash registerTo set for Receipt printing:To set for Journal printing:A) Turn key to the PGM positionB) Perform steps as follows:Setting Date and Time4A) Input date and time as indicated on the printout chit on the cashregister6A) Turn key to the Z positionB) Perform the following sequenceNote: This operation automatically sets correct taxrates, rounding, and receipt formats to Australianstandards.Setting for Australian Standards66A) Turn key to the PGM positionB) PressTo enableC) Press then press departments as requiredD) PressIf using shift departmentsotherwise skip this stepTo disable use same sequence except use in place ofCasio SE-G1 Australian Quick Programming Guide(please also refer to the “User Manual” supplied for further information if required)“A) Turn key to the PGM positionB) Perform steps as follows:1 Load Memory Protection Batteries and Paper RollPrinter switch for receipt or journal5A) Remove the printer cover B) Open BatteryCompartment coverC) Insert 2 new “AA” type batteriesinto the compartmentSetting GST to Departments7