SE-S100 / PCR-T285 / PCR-T295– 30 –[11] Time & Date Setting / Time & Date Display[Function]Allows you to check or change the time (hour, minutes, seconds) and date (year, month, day) that arecurrently set.* The time and date are not displayed on the customer display.<11-1. Time & Date Setting>[Operation]Time setting command : h h m m s s 0 0 7 0 ohh Hour mm Minutes ss Seconds• The new settings are printed out when the it is complete.Date setting command : y y m m d d 0 1 7 0 oyy Year mm Month dd Day• The new settings are printed out when the it is complete.<12-2. Time & Date Display>Command : 0 7 0 or 1 7 0 o• To end the display, press y.[Display of the result]TimeDate[12] Drawer Open Test[Function]Tests whether drawers operate correctly. The drawer sensor checks every two seconds while thedrawer open test is performed infinite times. Only when the drawer is closed, the drawer is reopened.[Operation]Command : n 0 9 1 on: Number of times to run0 Once (can be omitted)1 to 9 Infinite loop (to forcibly terminate the test, press y.)[Printout of the result]DRW n091DRW OKEND n091