E-56Advanced programmings and registrationsSample Operation 2ItemUnit price €12.00Main currency: EuroSub currency: LocalA €12.00 item is sold and the customerpaid in local currency.Quantity 1Dept. 01Exchange rate •1.00 = €2.00Payment •10.00Step Operation Printout1 Register the item in Euro. 12'!1 DEPT001 12.00TL 12.00(•6.00)LOCAL moneyCASH •10.00CASH ( 20.00)CG 8.00(•4.00)2 Press ] key. The register calcu-lates the price in local currency.]3 Press o key to indicate theprice in local currency.o4 Press ] key before entering ten-dered amount in local currency.]6 Enter the tendered amount in localcurrency.10'7 Press F key. The display indi-cates the change in Euro.FInstead of Euro, you can register items in other currencies with exchange calculations. Forexample, registering items in local currency and payment in pounds. See page E-50.