PROGRAMMING INDEX1. Price Changes2. Name Changes3. Changing/Adding Clerk Names4. Group and Department List5. Adding/Changing Group and Departments6. Group and Department PLU Linking7. Printer Linking8. Link Clerk Details Report9. Changing / Adding Clerk Report Details10. Programming Time and Date11. ReportsProgramming Notes:The new Casio range of cash registers are the most advanced ECR system on the market, itincorporates easy programmability with complex functions, to form a system that can suit any retailrequirements. While basic programming changes can be performed by the end user (price changesand descriptions), it is advised that more advanced features should be programmed by an authorisedCASIO dealer. The use of specialised back up and programming software enables us to safeguard yourvaluable data before changes are made. If you are unsure about the steps you are about to attempt, wesuggest you seek professional help from our support staff.Important please read this:The incorrect programming of LINKS to GROUPS , DEPT’s and PLU’s can cause abnormal REPORTinformation. We advise that unless you know exactly how LINKS are set up for your machine, do notattempt to program these items. This also applies to the changing of PLU and DEPT names, anexample of an incorrect name change that would conflict with LINKS is if a PLU or DEPT were to beprogrammed from a food item to a drink item: eg changing a DEPT name from CHOC CAKE to COLAthe LINK would also have to be changed from a food group to a drink group. While this manual iscorrect to the best of our knowledge, we take no responsibility whatsoever, including: mis-interpretation,programming errors, loss of income and machine failure.