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Casio TE-2200 manuals

TE-2200 first page preview


Brand: Casio | Category: Cash Register
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  5. circuit explanation
  6. pin assignment
  7. block diagram
  8. diagnostic operation
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. n011
  11. n013
  12. n113
  13. n313
  14. c0121
  15. n092
TE-2200 first page preview


Brand: Casio | Category: Cash Register
Table of contents
  1. printing history
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. System configuration
  10. Hardware diagram
  11. Display
  12. Online configuration
  13. IPL (Initial program loading)
  14. Via CF card (to send the IPL data to CF card)
  15. Initialization
  16. Flag clear operation
  17. Entering diag mode
  18. Programming (General explanation)
  19. File allocation (Program 5)
  20. Issuing program reading report of program 5 mode
  21. Key allocation (Program 4)
  22. Configuration of the physical key layout
  23. Issuing program reading report of program 4 mode
  24. Key function/machine feature (Program 3)
  25. Address code 04 (tax system, rounding, etc.)
  26. Address code 05 (print control for receipt)
  27. Address code 06 (calculation & operation control)
  28. Address code 07 (menu & price shift)
  29. Address code 08 (print control for fixed total report)
  30. Address code 09 (print control for fixed total report)
  31. Address code 10 (print control for taxable amount, till timer)
  32. Address code 14 (currency exchange control)
  33. Address code 15 (print control for reports)
  34. Address code 16 (print control for grand total)
  35. Address code 17 (print control)
  36. Address code 18 (print control for guest receipt and slip)
  37. Address code 21 (message control)
  38. Address code 25 (condiment etc.)
  39. Address code 28 (Euro)
  40. Address code 30 (Internal thermal printer control)
  41. Address code 33 (batch PLU maintenance)
  42. Address code 36 (store/recall/auto new check number)
  43. Programming procedure
  44. Program data (by address code)
  45. Program data
  46. new balance
  47. previous balance
  48. manual tax
  49. check endorsement
  50. currency exchange
  51. price shift
  52. clerk number
  53. tray total
  54. price change
  55. one touch nlu
  56. Secret number, drawer, check number programming
  57. Clerk other programming
  58. Time range programming
  59. Tax table programming
  60. Set menu programming
  61. Arrangement programming
  62. Mix & match programming
  63. Employee number programming
  64. Scheduler programming
  65. job command table
  66. Bottle link table programming
  67. I/O parameter table programming
  68. Printer connection table programming
  69. Non PLU table programming
  70. Batch maintenance PLU programming
  71. Scanning PLU direct maintenance programming
  72. Scanning PLU individual programming
  73. action code
  74. One touch NLU programming
  75. Issuing procedure
  76. Programming data
  77. special character
  78. report header
  79. help message
  80. terminal connection table
  81. program guidance message
  82. Programming item/key descriptors
  83. Programming item/clerk descriptors by range
  84. Entering characters
  85. By character code
  86. Editing characters
  87. Issuing program reading report of program 2 mode
  88. Unit price/rate (Program 1)
  89. Rate program
  90. Issuing program reading report of program 1 mode
  91. Program reading (Program 6)
  92. Report sample
  93. Department
  94. Clerk
  95. Table analysis
  96. Report header
  97. Clerk detail link
  98. Slip/external printer message
  99. Mix & match
  100. One touch NLU
  101. AT command
  102. Error message
  103. Auto-program & system utilities (Program 7)
  104. Auto-programming operation
  105. Other utilities
  106. Manager operation
  107. Stock quantity maintenance (PLU/flat PLU/scanning PLU)
  108. To input the new stock quantity of a PLU/flat PLU
  109. Programming for the Euro
  110. Programming for the Australian GST
  111. Read/reset report issuance
  112. Programmability
  113. Financial report
  114. Fixed total report
  115. Transaction key report
  116. PLU report
  117. PLU stock report
  118. Department report
  119. Group report
  120. Clerk report
  121. Hourly sales report
  122. Table analysis report
  123. Scanning PLU report
  124. Scanning PLU stock report
  125. Time & attendance report
  126. Application systems
  127. PLU maintenance
  128. Scanning PLU registration
  129. Mix & match discount
  130. Check tracking system
  131. Printing on the external printers
  132. Printing control options for order
  133. Tips
  134. Automatic execution of Euro switchover by arrangement and scheduler
  135. Appendix: Calculation method
  136. Appendix: Font code tables
  137. Special font set
  138. Cyrillic (Windows code page 866)
  139. Arabic
  140. Appendix: Peripheral device configuration
  141. Quick scan 6000
  142. Appendix: File record format
  143. Transaction key file
  144. Department file
  145. Clerk file
  146. Hourly sales file
  147. Scanning PLU files
  148. One touch NLU table file
  149. Table analysis file
  150. Grand total file
  151. Special character file
  152. Batch X/Z file
  153. Arrangement file
  154. System files
  155. Key table file
  156. Terminal connection table file
  157. AT command file
  158. Guidance message files
  159. Miscellaneous message file
  160. Printing guidance message file
  161. X/Z guidance message file
  162. Program guidance message file
  163. Registration guidance message file
  164. Help message file
  165. Appendix: Compulsory
  166. Error codes
  167. Index
  168. Table Of Contents
  169. Table Of Contents
  170. Table Of Contents
TE-2200 first page preview


Brand: Casio | Category: Cash Register
Table of contents
  1. getting started
  2. Introduction & Contents
  3. Components view
  4. safety precautions
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Getting Started
  10. Install receipt/journal paper
  11. Plug the cash register into a wall outlet
  12. Set the date
  13. Tax table programming
  14. Introducing TE-2200
  15. Display
  16. item descriptor
  17. Keyboard
  18. Allocatable functions
  19. operator x/z
  20. Basic Operations and Setups
  21. How to use your cash register
  22. Assigning a clerk
  23. Displaying the time and date
  24. Preparing and using department keys
  25. Programming department keys
  26. To program high amount limit for each department
  27. Registering department keys by programming data
  28. Preparing and using PLUs
  29. Registering PLUs
  30. Shifting the taxable status of an item
  31. Preparing and using discounts
  32. Preparing and using reductions
  33. Reduction for subtotal
  34. Registering credit and check payments
  35. Registering returned goods in the REG mode
  36. Reduction of amounts paid on refund
  37. Making corrections in a registration
  38. To correct an item you input and registered
  39. To cancel all items in a transaction
  40. Printing the daily sales reset report
  41. Advanced Operations
  42. Single item cash sales
  43. Addition
  44. Premium (%+)
  45. Tray total
  46. Coupon transactions
  47. Preset tender amount
  48. Registering pick up amounts
  49. Bottle link operation
  50. Arrangement key registrations
  51. Currency exchange function
  52. Partial tender in a foreign currency
  53. Food stamp function
  54. Mixed food stamp/cash change
  55. Food stamp registration (Illinois rule)
  56. Electronic benefits transfer
  57. Tips
  58. Inputting the number of customers
  59. Temporarily releasing compulsion
  60. Printing slip
  61. To perform auto batch printing 1
  62. Opening a check
  63. Issuing a guest receipt
  64. New/old check key operation
  65. Add check
  66. Separate check
  67. Price reductions (red price)
  68. Condiment/preparation PLUs
  69. VAT breakdown printing
  70. Bill copy
  71. Previous item void using <review
  72. Scanning PLU
  73. Programming to clerk
  74. Programming descriptors and messages
  75. Programming department/transaction key descriptor
  76. Entering characters
  77. Entering characters by code
  78. Editing characters
  79. Printing read/reset reports
  80. To print the financial read report
  81. To print the daily sales read/reset report
  82. To print the PLU read/reset report
  83. To print the monthly sales read/reset report
  84. To print the periodic 1/2 sales read/reset reports
  85. To print other sales read/reset reports
  86. Reading the cash register's program
  87. To print key descriptor, name, message program (except PLU)
  88. To print the PLU program
  89. Troubleshooting
  90. Clearing a machine lock up
  91. In case of power failure
  92. User Maintenance and Options
  93. To replace receipt paper
  94. Specifications
  95. Index
  96. Table Of Contents
  97. Table Of Contents
TE-2200 first page preview


Brand: Casio | Category: Cash Register
Table of contents
TE-2200 first page preview


Brand: Casio | Category: Cash Register
Table of contents
TE-2200 first page preview


Brand: Casio | Category: Cash Register
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