Casio TE-2200 manuals
Table of contents
- printing history
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- System configuration
- Hardware diagram
- Display
- Online configuration
- IPL (Initial program loading)
- Via CF card (to send the IPL data to CF card)
- Initialization
- Flag clear operation
- Entering diag mode
- Programming (General explanation)
- File allocation (Program 5)
- Issuing program reading report of program 5 mode
- Key allocation (Program 4)
- Configuration of the physical key layout
- Issuing program reading report of program 4 mode
- Key function/machine feature (Program 3)
- Address code 04 (tax system, rounding, etc.)
- Address code 05 (print control for receipt)
- Address code 06 (calculation & operation control)
- Address code 07 (menu & price shift)
- Address code 08 (print control for fixed total report)
- Address code 09 (print control for fixed total report)
- Address code 10 (print control for taxable amount, till timer)
- Address code 14 (currency exchange control)
- Address code 15 (print control for reports)
- Address code 16 (print control for grand total)
- Address code 17 (print control)
- Address code 18 (print control for guest receipt and slip)
- Address code 21 (message control)
- Address code 25 (condiment etc.)
- Address code 28 (Euro)
- Address code 30 (Internal thermal printer control)
- Address code 33 (batch PLU maintenance)
- Address code 36 (store/recall/auto new check number)
- Programming procedure
- Program data (by address code)
- Program data
- new balance
- previous balance
- manual tax
- check endorsement
- currency exchange
- price shift
- clerk number
- tray total
- price change
- one touch nlu
- Secret number, drawer, check number programming
- Clerk other programming
- Time range programming
- Tax table programming
- Set menu programming
- Arrangement programming
- Mix & match programming
- Employee number programming
- Scheduler programming
- job command table
- Bottle link table programming
- I/O parameter table programming
- Printer connection table programming
- Non PLU table programming
- Batch maintenance PLU programming
- Scanning PLU direct maintenance programming
- Scanning PLU individual programming
- action code
- One touch NLU programming
- Issuing procedure
- Programming data
- special character
- report header
- help message
- terminal connection table
- program guidance message
- Programming item/key descriptors
- Programming item/clerk descriptors by range
- Entering characters
- By character code
- Editing characters
- Issuing program reading report of program 2 mode
- Unit price/rate (Program 1)
- Rate program
- Issuing program reading report of program 1 mode
- Program reading (Program 6)
- Report sample
- Department
- Clerk
- Table analysis
- Report header
- Clerk detail link
- Slip/external printer message
- Mix & match
- One touch NLU
- AT command
- Error message
- Auto-program & system utilities (Program 7)
- Auto-programming operation
- Other utilities
- Manager operation
- Stock quantity maintenance (PLU/flat PLU/scanning PLU)
- To input the new stock quantity of a PLU/flat PLU
- Programming for the Euro
- Programming for the Australian GST
- Read/reset report issuance
- Programmability
- Financial report
- Fixed total report
- Transaction key report
- PLU report
- PLU stock report
- Department report
- Group report
- Clerk report
- Hourly sales report
- Table analysis report
- Scanning PLU report
- Scanning PLU stock report
- Time & attendance report
- Application systems
- PLU maintenance
- Scanning PLU registration
- Mix & match discount
- Check tracking system
- Printing on the external printers
- Printing control options for order
- Tips
- Automatic execution of Euro switchover by arrangement and scheduler
- Appendix: Calculation method
- Appendix: Font code tables
- Special font set
- Cyrillic (Windows code page 866)
- Arabic
- Appendix: Peripheral device configuration
- Quick scan 6000
- Appendix: File record format
- Transaction key file
- Department file
- Clerk file
- Hourly sales file
- Scanning PLU files
- One touch NLU table file
- Table analysis file
- Grand total file
- Special character file
- Batch X/Z file
- Arrangement file
- System files
- Key table file
- Terminal connection table file
- AT command file
- Guidance message files
- Miscellaneous message file
- Printing guidance message file
- X/Z guidance message file
- Program guidance message file
- Registration guidance message file
- Help message file
- Appendix: Compulsory
- Error codes
- Index
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
Table of contents
- getting started
- Introduction & Contents
- Components view
- safety precautions
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Getting Started
- Install receipt/journal paper
- Plug the cash register into a wall outlet
- Set the date
- Tax table programming
- Introducing TE-2200
- Display
- item descriptor
- Keyboard
- Allocatable functions
- operator x/z
- Basic Operations and Setups
- How to use your cash register
- Assigning a clerk
- Displaying the time and date
- Preparing and using department keys
- Programming department keys
- To program high amount limit for each department
- Registering department keys by programming data
- Preparing and using PLUs
- Registering PLUs
- Shifting the taxable status of an item
- Preparing and using discounts
- Preparing and using reductions
- Reduction for subtotal
- Registering credit and check payments
- Registering returned goods in the REG mode
- Reduction of amounts paid on refund
- Making corrections in a registration
- To correct an item you input and registered
- To cancel all items in a transaction
- Printing the daily sales reset report
- Advanced Operations
- Single item cash sales
- Addition
- Premium (%+)
- Tray total
- Coupon transactions
- Preset tender amount
- Registering pick up amounts
- Bottle link operation
- Arrangement key registrations
- Currency exchange function
- Partial tender in a foreign currency
- Food stamp function
- Mixed food stamp/cash change
- Food stamp registration (Illinois rule)
- Electronic benefits transfer
- Tips
- Inputting the number of customers
- Temporarily releasing compulsion
- Printing slip
- To perform auto batch printing 1
- Opening a check
- Issuing a guest receipt
- New/old check key operation
- Add check
- Separate check
- Price reductions (red price)
- Condiment/preparation PLUs
- VAT breakdown printing
- Bill copy
- Previous item void using <review
- Scanning PLU
- Programming to clerk
- Programming descriptors and messages
- Programming department/transaction key descriptor
- Entering characters
- Entering characters by code
- Editing characters
- Printing read/reset reports
- To print the financial read report
- To print the daily sales read/reset report
- To print the PLU read/reset report
- To print the monthly sales read/reset report
- To print the periodic 1/2 sales read/reset reports
- To print other sales read/reset reports
- Reading the cash register's program
- To print key descriptor, name, message program (except PLU)
- To print the PLU program
- Troubleshooting
- Clearing a machine lock up
- In case of power failure
- User Maintenance and Options
- To replace receipt paper
- Specifications
- Index
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
Table of contents
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