E-14d1w• Instead of pressing e or d while an error message is displayed to find the location ofthe error, you could also press A to clear the calculation.Basic CalculationsUnless otherwise noted, the calculations in this section can be performed in any of thecalculator’s calculation mode, except for the BASE Mode.k Arithmetic CalculationsArithmetic calculations can be used to perform addition (+), subtraction (-),multiplication (*), and division (/).Example 1: 2.5 + 1 − 2 = 1.52.5+1-2wExample 2: 7 × 8 − 4 × 5 = 367*8-4*5w• The calculator determines the proper priority sequence for addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division automatically. See “Calculation Priority Sequence” on page 71for more information.k FractionsFractions are input using a special separator symbol ({).Key Operation DisplayImproperFraction 7$37 { 3Numerator DenominatorMixedFraction 2$1$32 { 1 { 3Integer Numerator DenominatorNote• Under initial default settings, fractions are displayed as mixed fractions.• Fraction calculation results are always reduced automatically before being displayed.Executing 2 { 4 = for example, will display the result 1 { 2.14÷ 1I0×214÷ 1I0×214 ÷10× 22814 ÷10× 2282 . 5 +1– 2152 . 5 +1– 2157×8– 4×5367×8– 4×536