E-62No. 21 Bernoulli’s TheoremDetermines the fixed value (C) of an inviscid fluid (steady flow, incompressible fluid) whenthe flow velocity (v), location (height) (z), specific weight (ρ ), and pressure (P) are known.C = v2+ + gz21ρP (g: gravitational acceleration, v, z,ρ , P > 0 )C = v2+ + gz21ρP (g: gravitational acceleration, v, z,ρ , P > 0 )Units: v: m/s, z: m,ρ: kgf/m 3 , P: kgf/m 2, C: m2/s2No. 22 Calculations Using a Stadia (Height)Determines the difference in elevation (h) from the transit to the leveling rod after a transitis used to read the length on the leveling rod ( ) between the upper and lower stadia lines,and the angle of elevation (Ƨ).(K and C: stadia constants, 0° < Ƨ < 90°, > 0)Units: : m, Ƨ: ° (degrees), h: mNo. 23 Calculations Using a Stadia (Distance)Determines the horizontal distance (S) from the transit to the leveling rod after a transit isused to read the length on the leveling rod ( ) between the upper and lower stadia lines,and the angle of elevation (Ƨ).Units: : m, Ƨ: ° (degrees), S: mProgram Mode (PRGM)You can use the PRGM Mode (,g) to create and store programs for calculations youneed to perform on a regular basis. You can include any calculation that can be performedin the COMP, CMPLX, BASE, SD, or REG Mode in a program.k Program Mode OverviewA Specifying a Program Run ModeThough you create and run programs in the PRGM Mode, each program has a “run mode”that it runs in. You can specify COMP, CMPLX, BASE, SD, or REG as a program’s runmode. This means you need to think about what you want your program to do and select theappropriate run mode.A Program MemoryProgram memory has a total capacity of 680 bytes, which can be shared by up to fourprograms. Further program storage is not possible after program memory becomes full.h = K sin2 + C sin21θ θh = K sin2 + C sin21θ θS = K cos2 + C cosθ θ (K and C: stadia constants, 0° < θ < 90°, > 0 )S = K cos2 + C cosθ θ (K and C: stadia constants, 0° < θ < 90°, > 0 )