E-223 =Input an initial value for X (Here, input 1): 1 == 7 === 13 ==Statistical Calculations (STAT)To start a statistical calculation, perform the key operation N3(STAT)to enter the STAT Mode and then use the screen that appears to select thetype of calculation you want to perform.To select this type of statistical calculation:(Regression formula shown in parentheses) Press this key:Single-variable (X) 1(1-VAR)Paired-variable (X, Y), linear regression ( y = A + Bx) 2(A+BX)Paired-variable (X, Y), quadratic regression( y = A + Bx + C x2 ) 3( _+CX2)Paired-variable (X, Y), logarithmic regression( y = A + Blnx) 4(ln X)Paired-variable (X, Y), e exponential regression( y = AeBx) 5(e^X)Paired-variable (X, Y), ab exponential regression( y = ABx) 6(A• B^X)Paired-variable (X, Y), power regression ( y = AxB) 7(A • X^B)Paired-variable (X, Y), inverse regression( y = A + B/x) 8(1/X)Pressing any of the above keys (1 to 8) displays the Stat Editor.Note: When you want to change the calculation type after entering theSTAT Mode, perform the key operation 11(STAT) 1(Type) to displaythe calculation type selection screen.Inputting DataUse the Stat Editor to input data. Perform the following key operation todisplay the Stat Editor: 11(STAT)2(Data).The Stat Editor provides 80 rows for data input when there is an X columnonly, 40 rows when there are X and FREQ columns or X and Y columns, or26 rows when there are X, Y, and FREQ columns.MathMathMathMathMathMathMathMath