28Basic Calculations Chapter 2uuuuu To specify the number of significant digits (Sci)1. While the set-up screen is on the display, press 2 (Sci).2. Press the function key that corresponds to the number of significant digits youwant to set (0 to 9).• Press [ to display the next menu of numbers.Example To specify three significant digits2 (Sci)4 (3)Press the function key that corresponds to the numberof significant digits you want to specify.• Displayed values are rounded off to the number of significant digits you specify.• Specifying 0 makes the number of significant digits 10.• A number of significant digit specification remains in effect until you change theNorm Mode setting.uuuuu To specify the exponential display range (Norm 1/Norm 2)Press 3 (Norm) to switch between Norm 1 and Norm 2.Norm 1: 10–2 (0.01)>|x|, |x| >10 10Norm 2: 10–9 (0.000000001)>|x|, |x| >10 1010. Scientific Function CalculationsUse the RUN Mode to perform calculations that involve trigonometric functions andother types of scientific functions.(1) Trigonometric FunctionsBefore performing a calculations that involves trigonometric functions, you shouldfirst specify the default angle unit as degrees (°), radians (r), or grads (g).kkkkk Setting the Default Angle UnitThe default angle unit for input values can be set using the set up screen. If you setdegrees (°) for example, inputting a value of 90 is automatically assumed to be 90°The following shows the relationship between degrees, radians, and grads.90° = π/2 radians = 100 grads1 2 3 41 2 3 4