Program Mode Command ListGUIDELINES LAID DOWN BY FCC RULES FOR USE OF THE UNIT IN THE U.S.A. (not appli-cable to other areas).NOTICEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-tion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, usesand can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turningthe equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or moreof the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Caution: Changes or modifications to the product not expressly approved by CASIO could voidthe user’s authority to operate the product.CASIO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.Unit 6, 1000 North Circular Road,London NW2 7JD, U.K.Important!Please keep your manual and all informationhandy for future reference.MENU[OPTN]keySTAT LISTDRAW List List_On DrawOnOff DrawOffDim Dim_[PRGM]key[VARS]keyGRPHFill Fill(COMV-WINGPH1 S-Gph1_Seq Seq(If If_Xmin XminGPH2 S-Gph2_Then Then_Xmax XmaxGPH3 S-Gph3_Min Min(Else Else_Xscl XsclScat ScatterMax Max(I·End IfEnd FACTxy xyLineMean Mean(Xfct Xfct Med Median(For For_ Yfct YfctHist HistTo _To_ STATBox MedBoxSum Sum_Step _Step_ XN-Dis N-DistCALCNext Next n n Simp Simpo o Int÷ _Int÷_W·EndWhile_ !x !x X Linear Rmdr _Rmdr_WhleWhileEnd !x2 !x2 Med Med-MedSTATDo Do x"n x "n X^2 Quadx^ x^Lp·W LpWhile_y^ y^CTL x"n-1 x "n-1 Log LogProg Prog_ minX minX Exp ExpPROBRtrn Return maxX maxX Pwr PowerX! !Brk Break Y LISTnPr PStop Stop p p List1 List1nCr C!y !y List2 List2Ran# Ran#JUMP !y2 !y2 List3 List3NUMLbl Lbl_ !xy !xy List4 List4Abs Abs_Goto Goto_ y"n y "n List5 List5Int Int_# # List6 List6Frac Frac_Isz Isz_ y"n-1 y "n-1 MARKRnd RndDsz Dsz_ minY minY SquareIntg Intg_? ? maxY maxY $ CrossANGL^ ^ GRPH • Doto oa a CALCr rCLR b b 1VAR 1-Variable_g gText ClrText c c 2VAR 2-Variable_o'''Grph ClrGraphList ClrList r r X LinearReg_Pol( Pol(DISP Q1 Q1 Med Med-MedLine_Rec( Rec(Stat DrawStat Med Med X^2 QuadReg_Grph DrawGraph Q3 Q3TABL Mod Mod Log LogReg_Tabl DispTable PTS Exp ExpReg_G-Con DrawTG-Con x1 x1 Pwr PowerReg_G-Plt DrawTG-Plt y1 y1 LISTREL x2 x2 SRT-A SortA(= = SRT-D SortD(% %y2 y2GRPH> >x3 x3SEL< <y3 y3On G_SelOn_> > GRPH Off G_SelOff_< < Y Y TYPE: : Xt Xt Y= Y=TypeYt Yt Parm ParamTypeTABLStrt F_Start Y> Y>TypeEnd F_End Y< Ypitch F_pitch Y> Y >TypeY< Y <TypeTABL[SETUP]keyOn T_SelOn_Off T_SelOff_Deg Deg [SHIFT]keyRad Rad ZOOM ' 'Gra Gra Fact Factor_ " "V-WIN ~ ~V-Win ViewWindow_ * *Sto StoV-Win / /Rcl RclV-Win # #SKTCHFix Fix_Cls ClsSci Sci_GRPHNorm NormY= Graph_Y=Parm Graph(X,Y)=(Auto S-WindAutoY> Graph_Y>Man S-WindManY< Graph_Y<Rang VarRangeY> Graph_Y >List1 VarList1Y< Graph_Y <List2 VarList2List3 VarList3Plot Plot_ [ALPHA]keyList4 VarList4Line Line ' 'List5 VarList5Vert Vertical_ " ”List6 VarList6Hztl Horizontal_ ~ ~d/dx d/dx(Con G-ConnectPlot G-PlotYmin YminYmax YmaxYscl YsclTmin TminTmax TmaxTpth Tptch