Barry Kissane1CALENDARPurposeGives the week day for any date, according to the Gregorian calendar, which is ineveryday use today in western countries. The program evaluates a formula that takesleap years appropriately into account.OperationEnter the day, month number and year (all four digits), pressing after each. Forexample, 31 August 1949 is entered as .Important Note: January and February must be entered as the 13th and 14th months ofthe previous year. So February 6, 1950 must be entered as 6, 14, 1949 instead of 6, 2,1950.The program uses the following codes to report the week day:0 Sunday1 Monday2 Tuesday3 Wednesday4 Thursday5 Friday6 SaturdayCheck the program by using today's date.On what day of the week were you born? Check with your parents.