4Among the typical features of the new power sources are their very great flexibility andadaptability to many different types of welding task. The reasons for these welcomecharacteristics may be found not only in the modular product design, but also in thescope that the system gives for troublefree system extensions. In addition, there is anextensive selection of remote-control units with digital controls and displays, for a hugespectrum of applications.The CastoTIG 1702 AC/DC, CastoTIG 2202 AC/DC and CastoTIG 2201 DC belong to anew generation of TIG power sources. Among their outstanding features are superlativeprecision in the welding process, exact replicability of all results, and superb weldingproperties. Alongside the welding properties, the high degree of efficiency is another keyfeature of the technology incorporated in the new TIG power sources.Fig.1 CastoTIG 1702 AC/DC, CastoTIG 2201 DC and CastoTIG 2202 AC/DC power sourcesWork with the new power sources is made even easier by their self-explanatory, “intuiti-ve” operating concept. Despite the wealth of features with which the machines areloaded, the welder can see the key functions “at a glance” and adjust them accordingly.In the workshop and industrial fields there are innumerable areas of application for theCastoTIG 1702 AC/DC, CastoTIG 2202 AC/DC and CastoTIG 2201 DC. As regards theirsuitability for welding different materials, they are just as much “at home” welding unal-loyed and low-alloy steel as they are welding high-alloy chrome-nickel steels.Moreover, the CastoTIG 1702 AC/DC and CastoTIG 2202 AC/DC does sterling servicewhen it comes to welding aluminium, aluminium alloys and magnesium. The AC frequen-cy can be adjusted over a very wide range, permitting optimum adaptation to yourparticular requirements.General remarksBasic systemprincipleMachine conceptAreas of utilisati-on