15CARE AND CLEANINGCARE AND CLEANINGBefore disassembling and cleaning, releasethe main switch. Wait until it completelystops and remove the power cord plug fromthe power outlet.Do not use any alkaline or abrasive cleaningagents, steel wool or sponges with steel wool,petrol, dissolving agents or any other similaragents for cleaning the appliance as thesecould damage the surface.NOTECleaning the motor unitTo remove any food residue wipe the motorunit and cord with a damp cloth only.Cleaning the blending attachmentAfter deattaching the blending attachment,it can be hand washed in hot soapy water,rinsed and dried thoroughly. Alternatively,the blending attachment can also be washedin the dishwasher.Before re-attaching, ensure there is no waterresidue left inside the attachment.NEVER IMMERSE THE MOTOR UNIT IN WATER OR ANY OTHER LIQUID. DO NOTPLACE MOTOR UNIT IN THE DISHWASHER.BLADES ARE VERY SHARP. PAY YOUR OWN ATTENTION WHEN HANDLINGBLADES.Quick wash: Between each processing task,with the motor unit attached and turnedon at the power outlet, place the blendingattachment only into a jug of water and pressthe main switch to turn on for 5 seconds.This will remove any food on the blade andleg and allow you to continue onto the nextprocessing task.Cleaning the chopper bowl, chopper bowllid with gear, chopping blade and lid /anti-slip matAfter disassembling the chopper, the chopperbowl, chopper bowl lid with gear and choppingblade should be hand washed in hot soapywater, rinsed and dried thoroughly. Accessories(chopper bowl, chopping blade and lid / anti-slip mat) can be also washed in the diswasher.Do not wash the chopper bowl lid with gear inthe dishwasher.Before re-assembling, ensure there is no waterresidue left inside the attachment.