12GENERAL FEATURESThe heating and cooking in electricalhot air ovens take place by forced con-vection.The two elements which make thisprocess take place are:- Circular element 2500 W- Grill element 2000 WNOTE:Upon first use, it is advisable to operatethe oven at the maximum temperature(thermostat knob on position 250) for60 minutes in the position (fanoven) and for another 15 minutes in theposition (thermostat knob on posi-tion 200°C), to eliminate possible tracesof grease on the heating elements.WARNING:The door is hot, use the handle.ATTENTION - MOST IMPORTANTPay special attention not to touchthe hot heating element inside theoven cavity.OPERATING PRINCIPLESHeating and cooking in the FAN ovenare obtained in the following ways:a. by forced convectionA fan sucks in the air contained in theoven muffle, which sends it throughthe circular heating element and thensends it back through the muffle.Before the hot air is sucked backagain by the fan to repeat thedescribed cycle, it envelops the foodin the oven, provoking a completeand rapid cooking.It is possible to cook several dishessimultaneously.b. by radiationThe heat is radiated by the infra redgrill element.c. by ventilationThe food is defrosted by using the fanonly function without heat.Left main Fan oven55Attention: the oven doorbecomes very hot during opera-tion. Keep children away.