16THERMOSTAT KNOB (Fig. 6.2)This only sets the cooking temperatureand does not switch the oven on.Rotate clockwise until the required tem-perature is reached (from 50 to 250°C).The light above the temperature selectorwill illuminate when the oven is swichedon and turns off when the oven reachesthe correct temperature.The light will cycle on and off duringcooking in line with the oven tempera-ture.GENERAL FEATURESThe conventional oven is provided with 3heating elements which are:– Bottom element 800 W– Top element 700 W– Grill element 1450 WNOTE:Upon first use, it is advisable to operatethe oven at the maximum temperature(thermostat knob on position 250) for60 minutes in the position and foranother 15 minutes in the position(thermostat knob on position 200°C),to eliminate possible traces of grease onthe heating elements.WARNING:The door is hot, use the handle.ATTENTION - MOST IMPORTANTPay special attention not to touchthe hot heating element inside theoven cavity.Fig. 6.1 Fig. 6.2Right small Conventional oven66Attention: the oven doorbecomes very hot during opera-tion. Keep children away.OPERATING PRINCIPLESHeating and cooking in the CONVEN-TIONAL oven are obtained in the fol-lowing ways:a. by natural convectionThe heat is produced by the upperand lower heating elements.b. by radiationThe heat is radiated by the infra redgrill element.