![DAELIM DELFINO Manual Manual pdf 17 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/2988839/a223ed6b1b6d6a974d20679f118b0b5a17f.jpg)
There is a document storage area on thebottom of the seat. Store the owner’smanual and the maintenance notebook inthis area.For ease in carrying bags and similaritems, they should be hung from the bagholder which is fitted for this purpose.When using the bag holder, place it inthe open position and return it to thenormal position when not in use.Do not attempt to carry very heavy orbulky loads since this would affect thestability and steering characteristics ofthe scooter.16Document Storage Area Bag Holder%0$6.&/54503"(&"3&"#"()0-%&3Brake Lock LeverCautionIf the rear brake is not adjustedproperly, it will not be able to lock.Please refer to page 33 for instruc-tions on rear brake adjustment.#3",&-0$,-&7&3